How to restart the some portion of script for number of times ?
Use a for loop

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

How to assing incrementing numbers to identical values in a column?
M=[1990 1 .098;1990 1 .99;1990 1 .34;1990 2 .56;1990 2 .44] [ii,jj,kk]=unique(M(:,1:2),'rows','stable') out=[ii cell2mat(acc...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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problems with matrix splitting
A = [ 1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 2 1; 2 4] [ii,jj,kk]=unique(A(:,1),'stable') out=accumarray(kk,A(:,2),[],@(x){x}) celldisp(out)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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"Error using == Matrix dimensions must agree" Finding max point on a plot?
Maybe you want indexmax = find(a==max(a)) Which can be done otherwise [~,indexmax]=max(a)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Find the index of the lowest number greater than zero in a vector
A(A==0)=inf [~,idx]=min(A)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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How to calculate the mean from cell when each cell is a different double.
cellfun(@(x) mean(x,2),data,'un',0)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

barcycle command solution needed
barcycle is not a Matlab built-in function, you have to download it here <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/1...

oltre 7 anni fa | 2

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extracting data by min and loop
Z = [345 386 312;607 615 630;995 901 956] min_val,index=min(Z,[],2)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How to save a matrix into a file repeatedly.
Look at this example for k=1:10 M=rand(31,30) out{k,1}=M end out=cell2mat(out) dlmwrite('file.txt',out)

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

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How to create a function that returns values based on a piecewise function?
f=zeros(size(t)) idx1=t<0 f(idx1)=t(idx1).^2 now do the same for 0<=t & t<=3

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

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importing data with dates from excel

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How do I compare two matrices on a table to see which one has a higher value?
Maybe you need this M=[A(:) B(:)] idx=diff(M,[],2)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Creating a sequential order vector from an unknown size vector
a=[2 8 4 6] out=1:numel(a)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How can import data contains Nominal instance
Use [num,text,both]=xlsread('D:\google working\sumusa.csv') You can also use csvread function

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Replacing array values which match a condition

oltre 7 anni fa | 6

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Multiplying column with scalar
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6] y= [7 ;7; 7; 8; 9; 10] z=x.*y'*4

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

how to calculate a average of five arrays?
If you want to calculate the mean of any matrix, you can use mean function mean(A)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Efficient code - Get rid of my loop

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

Hi, I want to find the peak position of a XY data
x=(0:9)' y=rand(10,25) % 10x25 array max_val=max(y,[],2) plot(x,max_val)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

i want to ask that how to write this in matlab?
s=[] for r=1:R for y=1:Y for x=1:X for o=1:O s=s+... ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

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how many total variable we can define in Matlab 2015?
That depends on your memory capacities, in Matlab Windows Command type memory

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Plotting 100 rows from 10000 rows automatically?
A=rand(1000,6) % ------Example--- %you can use cell array or 3-D matrix B=mat2cell(A,100*ones(10,1),6) %Then use a for lo...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Run a function m times and store in matrix
Look at this example n=10 for k=1:n a{k}=your_function(u1,u2) end out=cell2mat(a)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

how to convert text into expression
It seems that you are looking for functions such eval, which in fact is not recommended by forums and also by Matlab help. read ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Extracting specific numbers from a vector
idx=ismember(A,-20) A1=A(~idx) A2=sum(idx)

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Get vector position for specific values
for AP = 1:Cumm_Trip_DistLength AC = find(Trip_dst < (Cumm_Trip_Dist(AP)+.05)& Trip_dst > Cumm_Trip_Dist(AP)); if ~i...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How to make a loop for an array of ands including cell arrays
%------Example-------------------- A=cell(1,5) A=cellfun(@(x) rand(10,9,8),A,'un',0) %-----------------------------------...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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How to trim two vectors of differing lengths
n=min(numel(A),numel(B)) A=A(1:n) B=B(1:n)

oltre 7 anni fa | 2

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