adding space before capital letters in variable names
Try the code in <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/133658 this thread>: % a string s='var...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How can read data of entity in queue
You can try using Decdatt's suggestion along with <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/persistent.html persistent variables...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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simple buffer in simlink embedded matlab
What is the size of pres on line ~11 versus the size on line ~18? It looks like the size of the output of xstore(1:Nu,1) ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Can i convert the following code into Matlab embedded function(for simulink use)
I'm not sure if this will help but there is a <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5060-rs232-blockset RS232 Blo...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Can synchronous Sampling be done by Matlab
Assuming you have an accurate time related to each signal, you could use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/timeserie...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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[Help] Ball and Beam Simulink animation
I would suggest checking out this <http://www.mathworks.com/products/3d-animation/examples.html multipart video series> on using...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Linearize non-linear system using Matlab/Simulink
Your best bet is to perform the first linearization in the <http://blogs.mathworks.com/seth/2011/12/14/welcome-to-the-linear-ana...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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Anrdroid development on MATLAB
Your best bet is probably <http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-coder/ MATLAB coder>. You can generate c-code from your MAT...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

What is the sample time in Rapid Control Prorotyping?
I think you have the right idea. The only time the power/speed of the Speedgoat components should come into play is when you hi...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How to numerically solve ordinary differential equations using Matlab?
<http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-GNHTB3/index.html;jsessionid=70e6674e71ea1a0b7fd446765b44 Fixed Step ODE S...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Start & stop opeartions using single push button
You could set a flag when you hit start, for example isRunning = 1; setappdata(handles.myPushbutton,'isRunning',isRunn...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

Error with the DynamicSystem Toolbox
It appears that oyu have a 3rd party toolbox installed. The 'tf' function is usually part of the control system toolbox and it ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Represent Simulink Integrator block as Matlab Function
As this looks like a homework problem, I can't answer directly. However I will point you in the direction of <http://www.mathwo...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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alternative to "mask" to initialize parameters?
There are a number of <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/using-callback-functions.html model callback> functions you can...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Can I have a bus whose elements are buses with several dimensions?
A bus of busses it possible, you can try it manually using Simulink to verify yourself. It sounds like you have a bus, Output, ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How to change a initial Seed in during Simulink?
The random intervleaver is likely not tunable during simulation. In other words, you have to stop, change the seed, then hit pl...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

PID Clamping circuit - Problem with Fixed-Point Data Type
This is an issue that was resolved in R2012b by adding some data type converts in the clamping circuit. You can see how the cla...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Differential equations on MATLAB
I believe <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/ode45.html ODE45> may be what you're looking for. Have a look at that docum...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Change vector size in Simulink
You can use a gain block utilizing matrix multiplication instead of element-wise that has a vector, such as: [eye(3) zeros...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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having trouble defining a non-linear state space model
There are two issues here: 1) The SS model is incorrect. The applied torque should be modeled as an input which is part of t...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Stopping fmincon based on timer
It looks like you are trying to replicate a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/timer.html timer object> which is already ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

how to get the parameters of step response?
You can use the system identification GUI to analyze data and estimate a transfer function from that data. In this case you are...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

velocity and acceleration - apply filter
You could try using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/smooth.html smooth function>. This will smooth the data with ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Transfer function in Simulink different from Matlab
The easiest way to achieve the desired results would be with the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/control/ref/ltisystem.html LTI S...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How to simulate a model with a different timestep using a model block
Based on the description it sounds like you want a MODEL BLOCK to run faster than the main model using a fixed time step. This ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Question about simulation in Simulink
Check out <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/867 this answer> regarding the inf/NaN issue. Regarding simulatio...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Export states to workspace in simulink configuration parameters
Checkout the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/saving-and-restoring-the-simulation-state-as-the-simstate.html save and ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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cell operations for varargin and varargout
Unfortunately cell arrays are not really supported for code generation, which is essentially what embedded MATLAB does to run. ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

Simulink get_param and RuntimeObject
Via <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/13992-problem-how-to-get-datas-from-integrator-block-in-simulink Guy's post>...

oltre 11 anni fa | 2

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Copy Parameters from Stateflow
There are a couple of things you can try depending on your limitations. 1) You can add an output from the stateflow model f...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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