datetime default stetings 12/24
Use HH instead of hh for the hours: >> datetime.setDefaultFormats('default','hh:mm:ss yyyy-MM-dd') >> t = datetime(2019,8,10,...

quasi 5 anni fa | 6

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How to read a file containing non numerical characters and commas?
The 22 lines of text are easily dealt with using the 'HeaderLines' option. Next you must convert your strings to doubles. Below...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Cell Array Dynamic Size
If you are happy with storing the data as a matrix for each sheet : filename = 'Q.xlsx'; n_sheets = 2; DP = cell(1,n_sheets);...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

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I have IgorTime data in which time:units = "seconds since 1904-01-01". I would like to convert this seconds to datevc.
First: Are you sure your T vector is in seconds? If so, your time list covers about 48 milliseconds around 01-Jan-1904 11:41:29....

circa 5 anni fa | 1

How to add headers to Excel.
filename = 'testdata.xlsx'; header = {'name', 'Age'}; A = [12.7;5.02;-98;63.9;0;-.2;56]; B= [12.7;5.02;-98;63.9;0;-.2;56]; c...

circa 5 anni fa | 1

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Plot multivariable function,can't get the plot right ?
The main problem with your plot is simply that the large values of f for y > 0.5 dwarf the variations at lower values. Changing...

circa 5 anni fa | 1

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Matrix divison or calculating slope
There is a syntax error with your use of parentheses. Also, the slope for the last row is not defined. This should work: nro...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

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fitting a curve (3D) to pointcloud data
Assuming that the points are listed in sequence along your curve, you can express x, y, and z as functions of the (approximate) ...

circa 5 anni fa | 1

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Word Search Words Overlapping
I was fascinated by your problem, so I wrote my own version. This gave me some insights: I recommend that you first create an ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

How to find same element in txt file (in a coloumn) and find the amount for averaging the value of another coloumn ?
There may be more elegant ways to read the file, but I often prefer to use textscan to read a text file into a cell array of str...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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Degrees-Minutes-Seconds Separation
It simplifies things if you use a doubke quote (") instead of two single qotes ('') to denote seconds. I enclose the modified ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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reading a txt file with rows of different length
fid = fopen(filename); lines = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n'); fclose(fid); lines = lines{1}; % The points data are in ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 3

Reading data row by row into matlab.
I often find it useful to read the file into a cell array of strings using textscan. Then I can easily experiment with how to b...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

Reading CSV files in a sequence based on numeric value in file name
d = dir('*.csv'); filenames = {}; index = 0; k = 0; for i = 1:length(d) % Using regexp with lookaround on the file name t...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How to index a random matrix with set conditions?
For a list of the negative values: negM = M(M<0) For the indices of the negative values: [i,j] = find(M<0) To display only t...

oltre 5 anni fa | 1

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How to identify points that are located in a polygon when this polygon passes through the meridian?
It seems that you are using the mapping toolbox, Then you can use ingeoquad: ingeoquad([35,45],[0,10],[30 40], [355 5]) Your ...

oltre 5 anni fa | 2

I have set of latitude and latitude of a specific region which has the mobile towers deployed and now I want to know the best possible location to deploy new mobile towers to overcome the coverage issues, which algorithm or what will be best way to ?
Obviously, optmal locations will depend on many factors, such as topography and signal interference risk. But as a first approx...

oltre 5 anni fa | 3

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how can i get an improved Euler's method code for this function?
There are two problems with your code: The analytical solution is incorrect You increment x inside the for loop. Don't. The f...

oltre 5 anni fa | 2

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saving real roots in a vector; "solve" gives me weird results
The code below will solve your problem as stated. In the general case with other parameters it may not be robust. You may need...

oltre 5 anni fa | 0

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How to find the arclength and radius of curvature for a set of 3D data points?
I was inspired by your question to write a functon that calculates the arc length and curvature of a 1D curve in 2D or 3D space....

oltre 5 anni fa | 2

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'For ' loop for every day for one minut fequency sea level data
Your problem seems to be the selection of data to calculate min and max values. The code below should help you on your way. Con...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Curve fitting with an integral involved
function theta = Gil data = [ 0.5 1 1.1 0.83 1.6 0.74 2.2 0.55 2.5 ...

circa 6 anni fa | 3

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I am creating a date file using the following script, i want it to print DATES[] in the file my_dates.txt but it's only printing one date which is 2.0171e+09, that is when i type A(1,1)...i pleading for help?
The problem with your file is that you overwrite your Date_num value whenever you calculate a new one. Your DATA variable has n...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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How to determine the centroid of this fan(triangle) where the coordinates of one of the vertices is only known and the distance is also known?
In my comment there was a typo in the expression for the centroid. A factor of 1/3 was missing. Sorry about that. Here is a ...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

How to output specific rows from tables depending on values within the table?
I am a little uncertain about the type of data structure you use. For completeness I therefore entered your data in an Excel wo...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

switch in text file
I think a simple if ... else would be better that switch in your case: if isempty(strfind(C,'exp_sse2.c')) % Actions ...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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how to pass the vector "TCP_value" in to the function
In your test you must compare element no, _i_ in the TCP_value array with the limits: function GRADE(TCP_value) for...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How can i change the 1st row 1st column and last row last column values in a tridiagonal matrix
A(1,1) = 17;A(end,end) = 23; You can create your original matrix without using a loop: n = 5; A = diag(ones(1,n))*3...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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If Statement to meet 8 Conditions
tests = false(8,1); test(1) = all(channel1(1:10)>=min1 & channel1(1:10)<=max1); test(2) = all(channel2(1:10)>=min2 & cha...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Center align multi-line title in latex format
Using Latex forces left-alignment of lines in cell array of strings . (This may have been changed in the newest versions of Mat...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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