How to Correct Signal Waveform (may use some filter)
You can try to use a low pass filter. websave("data.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/13728...

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How I can continue vector if I know two points of vector and direction vector?
X0 = 1.5; Y0 = 1.5; Z0 = 3.0; Theta0 = 10; % azimuth Phi0 = -45; % elev XBar = cosd(Theta0) * cosd(Phi0); ...

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Calculate distance considering road network
lat1 = -22.8851078223344; lon1 = -48.4939312250395; lat2 = -22.8315940282463; lon2 = -48.4298167144681; % need mapping too...

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Rotating 3 planes on the one graph
doc view

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How to detect overfitting in neural network?
It looks that the overfitting is not occuring in your case since the validation performance still keep improving. Overfitting o...

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How can I find each character's index within a matrix, from a vector of characters?
Letters =['ABC'; 'DEF'; 'GHI'] vec = 'ACHI' for i=1:length(vec) [r, c] = find(Letters == vec(i)); fprintf("%s: (%d,...

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Not enough input agruments
Function should be placed at the end of script or separate file: % Set the circuit parameters and initial conditions res = 10 ...

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Signal auto-correlation in matlab (xcorr function)
csd = randn(4, 100, 20); % dummy data % Calculate trial-averaged auto-correlation nchan = size(csd, 1); % channels ntr...

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Evaluating symbolic function with a vector
% take x1 and x2 as two variables syms x1 x2 f(x1,x2) = x1 + x2; x = [ 1 1]; f(x(1), x(2))

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"griddata" results in much smaller values than original data
It is due to the duplicate points in data. Griddata is averaging over the duplicate points to have a smaller value than peak. ...

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I am getting NaN value from ifft (please guide)
websave("data.mat", "https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1359493/data.mat"); load data % Your data ...

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How do I fix this invalide expression error?
bessel0 = @(x) besselj(0, x);

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I want to use all nested arrays inside each cell.
C = {'A', (1:3).', {["frodo"; "pippin"], {4} {[5;6]}}} b = celldisp(C)

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Acceleration to displacement data based on accelerometer
num=readtable("https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1352749/Book5.csv"); head(num); % initialize t...

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Add information in the figure by clicking on data point
doc datatip

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How can I write a matlab code for this iterative function.
% initial value of x(0) x = 0; for n=1:10 x = (1/n)- (1-(1/n+1)) *x +5*exp(x); % check the formula. this one is dive...

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how to use solve
There is no close form solution when a and b are arbitrary constant for the equation. If you want to find the numerical solut...

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Grouping times by end to start time
t1 = [5, 7, 17, 21, 35, 37]; t2 = [12, 9, 22, 23, 38, 41]; t2_c = cummax(t2) gap = [0 t1(2:end) - t2_c(1:end-1)] gap = gap >...

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Find the indicies of the top 250 values of a Matrix
Not very clear on what you are asking. Here is a guess. Rho = rand(5, 6) % small matrix for...

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Find a shipping vessel's ports based on location data
One way is to look at the change of position (using gradient) and set a threshold. websave("lat.mat", "https://www.mathworks.co...

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specifying an array size
count=0; b = []; %A =randi([1,9999],10,31); A =randi([1,60],10,31); [row,col]=size(A); for i=1: row for j =1:c...

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Pcg method is imprecise
The pcg method use tol as a relative tolerance such that norm(residual) < tol*norm(rhs). So you need a different assert. tol =...

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how do i download apps Sonar Equation Calculator for R2021b?
Sonar Equation Calculator comes with phased array toolbox. You need that toolbox.

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How do I highlight a certain area between two lines?
% Generate some data t = 0:.1:10; y = sin(t); plot(t, y); hold on % highlight a portion of data idx = t>6 & t<9; area(t...

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How to calculate a running value of a function for every 30 samples?
Nt= 50; % Total samples d = randn(1,Nt); ratioCompute = movmean(d, 30)

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How to count number of ones and zeros in a binary number?
% if you use char to represent binary numbers A='1100'; mod(sum(A=='1'), 2) == 0 % if you use double to represent binaray num...

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Receiving a "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values." message
change the for loops into: x = 1:.1:10; results = abs(q) ./ (4*pi*e0*x.^2); The original program has result(x) where x is not...

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define a counter which will starts counting from zero automatically when the count reaches to 10
c = 0; % initialization while true c = mod( c + 1, 10); % count from 0 to 9 then re-start end

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Reading CSV file with header and other data.
T=readtable("https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1174693/Without%20Cooling-%20aluminum%20No1.csv", .....

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Merge the multi-columns, multi-rows in one column, one row
var = ["filename", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"] T = { "Japan_000001_jpg.rf.7b3ecaac169c998a18815a31934dbbea.jpg", 0, ...

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