options for layout gui
Hi Walter - I'm not sure why you say that <https://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/uitree> no longer works - it works perfectly fine...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Problem in setting Yaxis value
Try this - note that it relies on the hidden/undocumented axis property *YRuler* (and similarly for *XRuler*, *ZRuler*): ax...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Interactive brokers(TWS) current version not working with MATLAB?
Sometime in recent years, presumably around TWS API 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1' to 'TWS.TwsC...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Why do I get an "actxserver" error when trying to connect to Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation with the "ibtws" command?
Sometime in recent years, presumably around TWS API 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1' to 'TWS.TwsC...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

How to obtain handlers to line objects from a legend object?
Cross-reference: <https://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/plot-legend-customization>

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

possible to increase speed of power function applied to a vector?
In addition to what Jan said, perhaps your in your specific case it is possible to work at the exponent level, i.e. not Y=10^X b...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Why am I encountering unrecognized property 'expiry' error while accessing the contact data?
IB renamed the Expiry property to "LastTradingDay" or "LastTradeDateOrContractMonth" (depending on the specific use-case) in its...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

How do I extract data from MATLAB figures?
Note that the official MathWorks answer above relies on opening and displaying the figure (using the open() function) before ext...

oltre 6 anni fa | 8

Matlab and Interactive Brokers
Trading Toolbox support for Interactive Brokers is limited to Windows only. This is clearly mentioned in the <https://www.mathwo...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

Is it possible to build a Matlab-GUI completely with HTML and CSS?
The latest Matlab GUI (created using the App Designer tool or the uifigure function) is based on HTML, JavaScript and CSS - not ...

quasi 7 anni fa | 4

How to use the data brush tool to automatically save selected points in multiple line plots
See an explanation and discussion of the undocumented BrushData functionality here: https:/​/​undocumentedmatlab.​com/​articl...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

How to unblock a deployed application blocked by antivirus?
Another possible cause for the antivirus block is the XML manifest file which is included in the deployed executable. Additi...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

What is the fastest way to export a figure in MATLAB?
ScreenCapture: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24323-screencapture-get-a-screen-capture-of-a-figure-frame-...

circa 7 anni fa | 2

Interactive Brokers API Connection Error
Sometime in recent years, presumably around API version 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1' to 'TWS....

circa 7 anni fa | 0

MatLab Trading toolbox - and IB TWS
Version 9.69 refers to the <https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=5041 IB API version>, not the TWS version. As of t...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Trading Toolbox IB API Version
Sometime in recent years, presumably around TWS API 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1' to 'TWS.TwsC...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Connecting to Interactive Broker
Sometime in recent years, presumably around TWS API 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl.1' to 'TWS.TwsC...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Anyone get Traders Toolbox working with R2017b and Interactive Brokers?
I believe that this problem is explained and answered here: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/371467-error-conn...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How can I solve this problem?
You can also try the suggestions here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/111625-trading-toolbox-connecting-to-inte...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Removing a panel without affecting buttons and axis
Here is an undocumented way to set the panel's background to transparent - this works on HG2 (R2014b onward): jPanel = hPan...

circa 7 anni fa | 2

Undocumented style of changing matlab font
com.mathworks.services.FontPrefs.setCodeFont(javaAwtFont) The FontPrefs class contains other useful static methods to set/g...

circa 7 anni fa | 3

| accettato

How to pin annotations (or text) to a graph below the x-axis?
The undocumented ability to pin annotations to a specific axes location is explained here: <https://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Get IP address over a Edit box
Matlab comes with a built-in IP component, com.jidesoft.field.IPTextField, which is part of the JIDE library of components. You ...

circa 7 anni fa | 2

| accettato

I bought MATLAB and Trading toolbox to automate my trading with Interactive brokers (IB) in Dec. 2017, but it doesn't work.
As you've noticed, using IB's COM/ActiveX API (which is used by the Trading Toolbox) has severe limitations. In addition to the ...

circa 7 anni fa | 4

| accettato

Prompt user before clearing axis when using the "clear axes" context menu
Here is a full code example that works and replaces the "Clear Axes" menu with something else (feel free to modify the label, ca...

circa 7 anni fa | 2

Error connecting Interactive Brokers TWS to MATLAB
I believe that sometime in recent years, presumably around TWS API 9.70, IB changed their COM server's ProgID from 'TWS.TwsCtrl....

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Hi, what is the earliest data point when using interactive brokers with Trading Toolbox of MATLAB
IB imposes <https://interactivebrokers.github.io/tws-api/historical_limitations.html#gsc.tab=0 historical data limitations> base...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Error connecting Interactive Brokers TWS to MATLAB
Trading Toolbox support for Interactive Brokers is limited to Windows only. This is clearly mentioned in the <https://www.mathwo...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Connect Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation with Matlab
Trading Toolbox support for Interactive Brokers is limited to Windows only. This is clearly mentioned in the <https://www.mathwo...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Interactive Broker and Matlab connection on a Mac
As Steve noted, Trading Toolbox support for Interactive Brokers is limited to Windows only. This is clearly mentioned in the <ht...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

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