Shift a curve in logarithmic scale
shifting in log scale is actually a multiplication, not an addition - is that what you need?

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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How to trasform from cell to matrix and transpose from horizontal to vertical at the same time?
Just change your cat dimension to 1, then transpose later. Data.my_cell = {rand(1,101);rand(1,101);rand(1,101)} m = cat(1,Data...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Can I change my UIFigure size while maintaining location of elements in figure?
I think you may be able to achieve what you want using the uigridlayout, see if this example works on 2019b (I'm on 2022a). The...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Heatmap is too Thin in Figure
imshow() asserts 1:1 aspect ratio to show the image, so you can manually change the axes Position property after setting DataAsp...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Implementing Crank Nicholson in spherical setting
I believe this should be the right formulation for CN (taking a few liberties interpreting your problem). If you want speed, pr...

quasi 3 anni fa | 2

Implementing Crank Nicholson in spherical setting
For one thing, your boundary conditions (as developed on your pdf) don't look right. At r=0, you can just directly use Eq 8 LHS...

quasi 3 anni fa | 1


Built in look-up style interpolation of timetables for non-numeric data?
Is there no built-in function similar to interp1 for numeric data, that can operate on timetables with arbitrary data types? So...

quasi 3 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0



For loop to carry value down depending on another matrix value
In your example, there is a "delay" by 1 row when your switch from 0 to -1 occurs, so the following answer is not exactly produc...

quasi 3 anni fa | 0

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There used to be a function RefineMesh in Matlab used in solving ODE's, but it is now used for PDE's and isn't the same function. Is there a new function for the old purpose?
The workflow above only re-evaluates the "static" solution of ode45 at more data points by an interpolation scheme consistent wi...

circa 3 anni fa | 0

Is there a way to measure interletter spacing for Fixed Width font in MATLAB?
I have no idea what you mean by "visual angle per font size", but I know of one way: lbl = uicontrol("Style","text","String","...

circa 3 anni fa | 0

Functional programming construct to expand cell array into arguments for other functions without using an intermediate variable in the (user) code?
I am still not sure why you can't just have your generalized comparator function saved as a function somewhere on your path so y...

oltre 3 anni fa | 1

How to integrate uidatepicker command with GUI interface?
Details are thin here...but it sounds like you need to first specify the parent graphics object that you want your uidatepicker ...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

How to solve exponential equation to find unknown constants
data = readtable("Book1.xlsx"); Alternatively, based on my reparameterization above you can as a first pass say everything afte...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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How to solve exponential equation to find unknown constants
Do you have an intuition of what the graph of looks like? Hint: it looks like your plot, scaled and shifted roughly only in the...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

Print vectorized graphic of patches without edges
I now believe it is because you are technically plotting 3D patches (telling Matlab there's a z-coordinate, even if they are all...

oltre 3 anni fa | 1

Calculations of Angle between two points
If you have the list of 3D coordinates rng(1) % control random generator NPoints = 5 vertices = rand(NPoints,3) You can defi...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

How to symbolically integrate f(T) = exp (E/(8.314*T) through integration by parts or with trapezoidal method?
The application still is unclear to me... If you just want numerical integration, look at the function "integral", as implement...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

Remove zoom from axes
This should be a good entrypoint: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/disabledefaultinteractivity.html https://www.mathw...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

Can I pass arguments to a @callbackFcn?
configureCallback(s,"terminator",@(src,evnt)readSerialData(src,evnt,operation mode)) So the first parentheses specify the inter...

oltre 3 anni fa | 2

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I am trying to find the exact distance of a curvy line.
Assuming that the boundary points are ordered well (adjacently), then you can calculate the cummulative square distance between ...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

Take only some values from one array
you can't compare arrays of different lengths. a straightforward but cumbersome way is to cycle through each of your t1 and find...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

MATLAB GUIDE to App migration question
Apparently it should work: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/compatibility-between-different-releases-of-app-...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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How to Save new data to existing structure data in a for loop without having to save the complete Matlab file from Zero?
I would consider using a database, a lightweight solution could be sqlite. I use the third party mksqlite for this purpose and i...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

using varfun on a timetable with subscripts?
first of all, your operation looks like a "diff", no subscripts (for rows, i.e., timestamps) necessary second, you will be defi...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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How can I quickly obtain the inverse of a square sparse matrix?
potentially, if you have more information about the properties of A, you can specify them in a call to linsolve https://www.mat...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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3D/2D matrix multiplication without using a loop
I found this: pagemtimes() s = rand(5,5); x = rand(5,8,100000); tic y = pagemtimes(s,x); toc tic z = nan(size(x)); for...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

How to operate properly with multidimensional matrices and cells.
You might be looking for squeeze()? l=0; % preallocate C = cell(3,3,3); M = nan(3,3,3); % construct 3D cell and matrix ...

oltre 3 anni fa | 1

How to solve a system of second order nonlinear differential equations with boundary conditions
This is a boundary value problem, so probably the most straightforward way is to use bvp4c or bvp5c if you want to solve numeric...

oltre 3 anni fa | 1

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Backward and Central Difference
I guess the answer depends what you want to do with those finite difference approximations. If you want to use it in an algorith...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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Save class object as struct
Look at this too: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_oop/flexible-saveobj-and-loadobj-pattern.html I think it means w...

oltre 3 anni fa | 1

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