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Deploy Applications on Network Drives

You can deploy a compiled application to a network drive so that it can be accessed by all network users without having them install MATLAB® Runtime on their individual machines.


There is no need to perform these steps on a Linux® system.

The component registration is in support of Excel® add-ins and COM components, which both run on Windows® only.

Distributing to a Linux network file system is exactly the same as distributing to a local file system. You only need to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or use scripts which points to the MATLAB Runtime installation. For more information, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.

  1. On any Windows machine, run mcrinstaller function to obtain name of the MATLAB Runtime Installer executable.

  2. Copy the entire MATLAB Runtime installation folder onto a network drive.

  3. Copy the compiled application into a separate folder in the network drive and add the path <MATLAB_RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIR>\<ver>\runtime\<arch> to all client machines. All network users can then execute the application.

  4. Run vcredist_x86.exe on for 32-bit clients; run vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit clients.

  5. If you are using MATLAB Compiler SDK™ to create COM objects, register mwcomutil.dll on every client machine.

    To register the DLLs, at the DOS prompt enter

    mwregsvr <fully_qualified_pathname\dllname.dll>

    These DLLs are located in <MATLAB_RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIR>\<ver>\runtime\<arch>.


    These libraries are automatically registered on the machine on which the installer was run.