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Single Point Interpolation

Perform single point interpolation

Since R2023a

  • Single Point Interpolation block

AUTOSAR Blockset / Classic Platform / Library Routines / Interpolation


The Single Point Interpolation block performs linear interpolation using the AUTOSAR Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine. The Single Point Interpolation block performs interpolation using inputs u1 and u2 and a fraction source parameter f according to this equation: y=u1+f(u2u1)

You can specify the fraction source using the Block Parameters dialog box or an Input port. The Single Point Interpolation block supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) mode.

When you select the AUTOSAR 4.0 code replacement library (CRL) for your AUTOSAR model, your model replaces code that you generate for this block with a call to the Ifl_Interpolate_f32 AUTOSAR library routine.



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Input signal, specified as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

Input signal, specified as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single

Coefficient for the Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine.


To enable this port, set the Source field of the Fraction parameter to Input port.

Data Types: single


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Output signal, returned as a scalar or vector.

Data Types: single


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Source and value of the coefficient for the Ifl_Interpolate_f32 routine.

Specify the Source field of this parameter as one of these values.

  • Dialog — Set the coefficient using the Value field of this parameter.

  • Input port — Set the coefficient using the f port. The block uses the value of this port as the coefficient.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: FractionValue
Type: character vector
Values: '0' | scalar
Default: '0'

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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