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Configure Memory Allocation for AUTOSAR Adaptive Service Data

To send service event data, the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform supports these methods:

  • By reference — The send function uses memory in the application address space. After the send returns, the application can modify the event data.

  • By ara::com allocated memory — The application requests ara::com middleware to allocate memory for the data. This method avoids data copies by ara::com middleware and can be more efficient for frequent sends or large amounts of data. But the application loses access to the memory after the send returns.

To configure memory allocation for event sends, open the Code Mappings editor. Select the Outports tab and examine each outport. When you select an outport, the editor displays the code attribute AllocateMemory. To send event data by ara::com allocated memory, select the value true. To send event data by reference, select false.

If you set AllocateMemory to true, in the generated C++ model code, the corresponding event send uses an ara::com allocated buffer.

void autosar_LaneGuidanceModelClass::step()
    rightHazardIndicator::SampleType> *rightHazardIndicatorAllocateePtrRawPtr;
  std::shared_ptr< ara::com::SampleAllocateePtr<company::chassis::provided::
    skeleton::events::rightHazardIndicator::SampleType> >
  rightHazardIndicatorAllocateePtrSharedPtr = std::make_shared< ara::com::
    rightHazardIndicator::SampleType> >
  rightHazardIndicatorAllocateePtrRawPtr =

  // Send: '<S8>/Message Send'
  *rightHazardIndicatorAllocateePtrRawPtr->get() = rtb_Merge1;

  // Send event

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