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Generate ASAP2 File for AUTOSAR Architecture Models

Use Embedded Coder® software for an AUTOSAR architecture model to:

  • Generate ASAP2 file

  • Generate compu methods and record layouts as separate ASAP2 files

  • Pack the ASAP2 file along with arxml files

Generate ASAP2 File

To generate ASAP2 file for an AUTOSAR architecture model

  1. Open an AUTOSAR architecture model.

  2. Click Share > Generate Calibration Files button under Modeling tab of the model.

  3. The Generate Calibration Files tool has the option Include shared elements selected. Uncheck the option if you do not want the compu methods and record layouts generated as separate ASAP2 files.

  4. Click the Generate button.

This generates a Component.a2l file for each component present in the AUTOSAR architecture model and save it in the respective build folder of the component.

Separate ASAP2 files Component_CompuMethods.a2l and Component_RecordLayouts.a2l are generated for compu methods and record layouts respectively for each component present in the AUTOSAR architecture model.

The ASAP2 files generated for compu methods (Component_CompuMethods.a2l) and record layouts (Component_RecordLayouts.a2l) are included in the component ASAP2 file (Component.a2l).

Generate and Package ASAP2 File

To generate and package ASAP2 file for an AUTOSAR architecture model

  1. Open an AUTOSAR architecture model.

  2. Click Export > Generate Code and ARXML button under Modeling tab of the model.

  3. In the Export Composition dialog, select Generate ASAP2 (a2l) file option.

  4. Click OK button.

This generates code, arxml, and ASAP2 files. The compu methods file and record layouts file contains the merged data of all the components present in the architecture model. The generated ASAP2 file, compu methods file, and record layouts file are packaged into a folder named asap2.

See Also

| (Embedded Coder) | (Embedded Coder)

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