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Generate ASAP2 (A2L) file according to ASAM MCD-2 MC standards

Since R2021a


coder.asap2.export(modelName) generates an ASAP2 (A2L) file for modelName. The ASAP2 (A2L) file generated for a top model contains information from the referenced models.


coder.asap2.export(modelName,Name=Value) specifies additional options for ASAP2 (A2L) creation with one or more "Name=Value" arguments. For example, you can specify a location where to save the A2L file. You can provide the symbol file of the model to replace ECU addresses in the A2L file.



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Generate an A2L file for the selected model and save it in the build folder of the model by using this command.

% Generate A2L file for model

Generate an A2L file by modifying the name of ASAP2 file, location where to save it, version of A2L to be generated, and excluding comments by using this command.

% Export A2L file and save it as

% Export A2L file to specified path

% Generate A2L file with version 1.71

% Generate A2L file with comments excluded

Generate an A2L file for the selected model that has ECU addresses based on the ELF symbol file associated with the executable by using this command.

% Generate A2L file for model

Generate an A2L file for the selected model and exclude the A2ML and IF_DATA sections by using this command.

% Generate A2L file with A2ML and IF_DATA excluded

Specify the name of the model class instance. The objName is declared in the global namespace by using this command.

% Use custom specified name as object name in A2L file

% Specify the name of model class instance declared inside the namespace. Here instance customObj
% is declared in customNameSpace

Create a custom base object and specify the fields. Customize the contents of the A2L file by using a custom base object by using this command.

% Create custom base object and provide fields you want to modify
obj = coder.asap2.UserCustomizeBase;
obj.HeaderComment = 'Header comment';
obj.ModParComment = 'Mod Par comment';
obj.ModCommonComment = 'Mod Common comment';
obj.ASAP2FileName = 'File name';
obj.ByteOrder = 'BYTE_ORDER MSB_LAST';

% Generate A2L file with custom base created

Group the parameters and measurements into arrays, scalars, maps, and curves by using this command.


Export the record layouts of the base data types to a file named RecordLayouts.a2l by using this command.


Exclude structure elements by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', SupportStructureElements=false);

Exclude referenced model elements by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', IncludeReferencedModels=false);

Exclude 64-bit integers by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', Support64bitIntegers=false);

Specify additional address information in the A2L file by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', EcuAddressExtension=4);

Generate the ASAP2 file using the settings updated by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', UseSavedSettings=false);

Exclude AUTOSAR RTE elements in the A2L file for a AUTOSAR classic model by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('autosarclassic-modelName', IncludeAutosarRteElements=false);

Export ASAP2 file by modifying the array layout to view the array data in required format by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('modelName', ToggleArrayLayout=true);

Export record layouts and CompuMethods as separate A2L files for an embedded coder model by using this command.

coder.asap2.export('ert-modelName', IncludeSharedElements=true);

Input Arguments

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Name of the model.

Example: 'MyModel','nav_app'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: MapFile='model.elf' generates an A2L file for the model containing debug mapping information from the model.elf file.

Generate the A2L file by including or excluding comments.

Example: Comments=true

Update the current ECU description in the ASAP2 file to custom values by creating and providing a description object.


This argument cannot be used with other Name=Value pairs.

Example: CustomEcuDescriptions=description_object

Create a user base and customize the ASAP2 fields such as:

  • ASAP2FileName

  • ByteOrder

  • HeaderComment

  • ModParComment

  • ModCommonComment

Example: CustomizationObject=obj

Group the parameters and signals based on their properties.

Example: CustomizeGroupsBy={'ARRAY','MAP'}

Specify a 16-bit integer value to specify additional address information in the ASAP2 file. By default, no additional address information is required.

Example: EcuAddressExtension=4

Name for the exported A2L file.

Example: FileName='test_car'

Specify export location for the generated A2L file.

Example: Folder='/home/temp/prjct/'

Generate the A2L file by including or excluding A2ML and IF_DATA sections.

Example: GenerateXCPInfo=true

Export record layouts of all the base data types to a file named RecordLayouts.a2l according to the version of the A2L file.

Example: IncludeAllRecordLayouts=true

Generate the A2L file by including or excluding the AUTOSAR RTE elements.


This option is applicable only for AUTOSAR classic models.

Example: IncludeAutosarRteElements=true

Specify true to include a default event list in the A2L file.

Example: IncludeDefaultEventList=true

Specify true to include referenced model elements in ASAP2 file. Specify false to exclude.

Example: IncludeReferencedModels=true

Generate separate A2L files for CompuMethods and record layouts.


This option is applicable for models with ERT - based system target files.

Example: IncludeSharedElements=true

Generate an A2L file by following indentation.

Example: IndentFile=true

Name of the model symbol file that contains symbols of generated code. For example, the addresses of variables used in generated code.

Example: MapFile='model.elf'

Custom model instance name in an A2L file. This argument is applicable only for AUTOSAR adaptive models.

Example: ModelClassInstanceName='customObj' or ModelClassInstanceName='customNameSpace::customObj'

Specify false to exclude 64-bit integers in the generated ASAP2 file.

Example: Support64bitIntegers=false

Specify false to exclude elements that are part of the structure in the generated ASAP2 file.

Example: SupportStructureElements=false

Update the array layout to ROW_DIR or COL_DIR to view the array data in row wise or column wise.

Example: ToggleArrayLayout=true

Save the preferences made and generate the ASAP2 file with the preferences updated such as including the comments, version of the ASAP2 file.

Example: UseSavedSettings=false

A2L file format based on the ASAM MCD-2 MC standard defined by ASAM. There are multiple versions of the ASAM MCD-2 MC standard. Specify the version of A2L that you want.

Example: Version='1.61' or Version='1.31'

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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