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Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform generator configuration parameters

Since R2020a


    The bluetoothWaveformConfig object parameterizes the bluetoothWaveformGenerator function to generate a Bluetooth® basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) waveform.



    cfgWaveform = bluetoothWaveformConfig creates a default Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform generator configuration object, cfgWaveform.


    cfgWaveform = bluetoothWaveformConfig(Name,Value) sets properties by using one or more name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in quotes. For example, ('Mode','EDR3M') sets the physical layer (PHY) transmission mode to 3 Mbps.



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    For more information about Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform generator properties and their respective values, see Volume 2, Part B, Sections 6 and 7 of the Bluetooth Core Specification [2].

    PHY transmission mode, specified as 'BR', 'EDR2M', or 'EDR3M'.

    Data Types: char | string

    Packet type, specified as one of these values:

    • 'ID'

    • 'NULL'

    • 'POLL'

    • 'FHS'

    • 'DM1'

    • 'HV1'

    • 'HV2'

    • 'HV3'

    • 'DV'

    • 'EV3'

    • 'EV4'

    • 'EV5'

    • 'DH1'

    • 'AUX1'

    • 'DM3'

    • 'DH3'

    • 'DM5'

    • 'DH5'

    • '2-EV3'

    • '3-EV3'

    • '2-EV5'

    • '3-EV5'

    • '2-DH1'

    • '3-DH1'

    • '2-DH3'

    • '3-DH3'

    • '2-DH5'

    • '3-DH5'

    Data Types: char | string

    Payload length of packet, specified as an integer in the range [0, X], where X depends on the PacketType property. This value sets the number of bytes to be processed in a packet.


    To enable this property, set the value of PacketType property to 'DM1', 'DH1', 'DM3', 'DH3', 'DM5', 'DH5', 'AUX1', or 'DV'.

    Data Types: double

    Bluetooth device address, specified as a 12-element character vector or string scalar denoting a 6-octet hexadecimal value.

    Data Types: char | string

    Logical transport address for the packet, specified as a 3-bit binary column vector. This property indicates the active destination Peripheral for a packet in the Central-to-Peripheral transmission slot.

    Data Types: double

    Header control information, specified as a 3-bit binary column vector. This property indicates the header control information consisting of these three fields:

    Field Size of FieldField Information Indicates
    FLOW1 bitFlow control information
    ARQN1 bitAcknowledgment for successful reception of a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) packet
    SEQN1 bitSequencing scheme to order the packet stream

    Data Types: double

    Modulation index, specified as a scalar in the range [0.28, 0.35]. This property is the modulation index that the object uses when performing Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) modulation or demodulation.

    Data Types: double

    Samples per symbol, specified as a positive integer. This value is used for GFSK modulation and demodulation.

    Data Types: double

    Data whiten status, specified as 'On' or 'Off'. Set this value to 'On' for the object to perform whitening on the header and payload bits.

    Data Types: char | string

    Whiten initialization, specified as a 7-bit binary column vector.


    To enable this property, set the WhitenStatus property to 'On'.

    Data Types: double

    Logical link identifier, specified as a 2-bit binary column vector.


    To enable this property, set the PacketType property to 'DM1', 'DH1', 'DM3', 'DH3', 'DM5', 'DH5', 'AUX1', and 'DV'.

    Data Types: double

    Logical channel flow control indicator, specified as true or false.


    To enable this property, set the value of PacketType property to 'DM1', 'DH1', 'DM3', 'DH3', 'DM5', 'DH5', 'AUX1', and 'DV'.

    Data Types: logical

    Object Functions

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    getPayloadLengthReturn payload length for Bluetooth BR/EDR format configuration
    getPhyConfigPropertiesReturn updated properties of Bluetooth BR/EDR PHY configuration object


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    Create three unique Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform configuration objects for synchronous connection oriented (SCO), connectionless peripheral broadcast (CPB), and asynchronous connectionless (ACL) logical transports.

    Create a default Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform configuration object for an SCO logical transport. Set the packet type as HV1.

    cfgWaveform = bluetoothWaveformConfig;
    cfgWaveform.PacketType = 'HV1'
    cfgWaveform = 
      bluetoothWaveformConfig with properties:
                           Mode: 'BR'
                     PacketType: 'HV1'
                  DeviceAddress: '0123456789AB'
        LogicalTransportAddress: [3x1 double]
              HeaderControlBits: [3x1 double]
                ModulationIndex: 0.3200
               SamplesPerSymbol: 8
                   WhitenStatus: 'On'
           WhitenInitialization: [7x1 double]

    Create a second Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform configuration object for a CSB logical transport, specifying the packet type as DH1. Disable the whiten status.

    cfgWaveform = bluetoothWaveformConfig('PacketType','DH1','WhitenStatus','Off')
    cfgWaveform = 
      bluetoothWaveformConfig with properties:
                           Mode: 'BR'
                     PacketType: 'DH1'
                  PayloadLength: 18
                  DeviceAddress: '0123456789AB'
        LogicalTransportAddress: [3x1 double]
              HeaderControlBits: [3x1 double]
                ModulationIndex: 0.3200
               SamplesPerSymbol: 8
                   WhitenStatus: 'Off'
                           LLID: [2x1 double]
                  FlowIndicator: 1

    Create a third Bluetooth BR/EDR waveform configuration object for an ACL logical transport with enhanced data rate mode. Set the value of packet type to DH3, and payload length to 184 bytes.

    cfgWaveform = bluetoothWaveformConfig;
    cfgWaveform.Mode = 'EDR2M';
    cfgWaveform.PacketType = 'DH3';
    cfgWaveform.PayloadLength = 184  % In bytes
    cfgWaveform = 
      bluetoothWaveformConfig with properties:
                           Mode: 'EDR2M'
                     PacketType: 'DH3'
                  PayloadLength: 184
                  DeviceAddress: '0123456789AB'
        LogicalTransportAddress: [3x1 double]
              HeaderControlBits: [3x1 double]
                ModulationIndex: 0.3200
               SamplesPerSymbol: 8
                   WhitenStatus: 'On'
           WhitenInitialization: [7x1 double]
                           LLID: [2x1 double]
                  FlowIndicator: 1


    [1] Bluetooth Technology Website. “Bluetooth Technology Website | The Official Website of Bluetooth Technology.” Accessed November 22, 2021.

    [2] Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). "Bluetooth Core Specification." Version 5.3.

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020a

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