CWE Rule 522
Rule Description
The product transmits or stores authentication credentials, but it uses an insecure method that is susceptible to unauthorized interception and/or retrieval.
Polyspace Implementation
The rule checker checks for these issues:
Constant cipher key
Nonsecure hash algorithm
Nonsecure parameters for key generation
Nonsecure RSA public exponent
Nonsecure SSL/TLS protocol
Unsafe standard encryption function
Constant cipher key
This issue occurs when you use a constant for the encryption or decryption key.
If you use a constant for the encryption or decryption key, an attacker can retrieve your key easily.
You use a key to encrypt and later decrypt your data. If a key is easily retrieved, data encrypted using that key is not secure.
Produce a random key by using a strong random number generator.
For a list of random number generators that are cryptographically
weak, see Vulnerable pseudo-random
number generator
#include <openssl/evp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define SIZE16 16 int func(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *iv){ unsigned char key[SIZE16] = {'1', '2', '3', '4','5','6','b','8','9', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'}; return EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv, 1); //Noncompliant }
In this example, the cipher key, key
, has
constants only. An attacker can easily retrieve a constant key.
Use a strong random number generator to produce the cipher key.
The corrected code here uses the function RAND_bytes
in openssl/rand.h
#include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/rand.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define SIZE16 16 int func(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *iv){ unsigned char key[SIZE16]; RAND_bytes(key, 16); return EVP_CipherInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv, 1); }
Nonsecure hash algorithm
This issue occurs when you use a cryptographic hash function that is proven to be weak against certain forms of attack.
The hash functions flagged by this checker include SHA-0, SHA-1, MD4, MD5, and RIPEMD-160. The checker detects the use of these hash functions in:
Functions from the EVP API such as
.Functions from the low level API such as
You use a hash function to create a message digest from input data and thereby ensure integrity of your data. The hash functions flagged by this checker use algorithms with known weaknesses that an attacker can exploit. The attacks can comprise the integrity of your data.
Use a more secure hash function. For instance, use the later SHA functions such as SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.
#include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; unsigned char *out_buf; unsigned int out_len; void func(unsigned char *src, size_t len, EVP_PKEY* pkey){ EVP_MD_CTX* ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); ret = EVP_SignInit_ex(ctx, EVP_md5(), NULL); if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx,src,len); //Noncompliant if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_SignFinal(ctx, out_buf, &out_len, pkey); if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); }
In this example, during initialization with EVP_SignInit_ex
the context object is associated with the weak hash function MD5. The checker flags
the usage of this context in the update step with
One possible correction is to use a hash function from the SHA-2 family, such as SHA-256.
#include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; unsigned char *out_buf; unsigned int out_len; void func(unsigned char *src, size_t len, EVP_PKEY* pkey){ EVP_MD_CTX* ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); ret = EVP_SignInit_ex(ctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL); if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_SignUpdate(ctx, src, len); if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_SignFinal(ctx, out_buf, &out_len, pkey); if (ret != 1) fatal_error(); }
Nonsecure parameters for key generation
This issue occurs when
you attempt key generation by using an EVP_PKEY_CTX
context object
that is associated with weak parameters. What constitutes a weak parameter depends on
the public key algorithm used. In the DSA algorithm, a weak parameter can be the result
of setting an insufficient parameter length.
For instance, you set the number of bits used for DSA parameter generation to 512 bits, and then use the parameters for key generation:
EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx,*kctx; EVP_PKEY *params, *pkey; /* Initializations for parameter generation */ pctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_DSA, NULL); params = EVP_PKEY_new(); /* Parameter generation */ ret = EVP_PKEY_paramgen_init(pctx); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_bits(pctx, KEYLEN_512BITS); ret = EVP_PKEY_paramgen(pctx, ¶ms); /* Initializations for key generation */ kctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(params, NULL); pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); /* Key generation */ ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(kctx); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen(kctx, &pkey);
Weak parameters lead to keys that are not sufficiently strong for encryption and expose sensitive information to known ways of attack.
Depending on the algorithm, use these parameters:
Diffie-Hellman (DH): Set the length of the DH prime parameter to 2048 bits.
Set the DH generator to 2 or 5.ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_prime_len(pctx, 2048);
ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_generator(pctx, 2);
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA): Set the number of bits used for DSA parameter generation to 2048 bits.
ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dsa_paramgen_bits(pctx, 2048);
RSA: Set the RSA key length to 2048 bits.
ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(kctx, 2048);
Elliptic curve (EC): Avoid using curves that are known to be broken, for instance,
. Use, for instance,sect239k1
.ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ec_paramgen_curve_nid(pctx, NID_sect239k1);
#include <stddef.h> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(EVP_PKEY *pkey){ EVP_PKEY_CTX * ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(ctx, 512); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); return EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &pkey); //Noncompliant }
In this example, the RSA key generation uses 512 bits, which makes the generated key vulnerable to attacks.
Use 2048 bits for RSA key generation.
#include <stddef.h> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(EVP_PKEY *pkey){ EVP_PKEY_CTX * ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(ctx, 2048); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); return EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &pkey); }
Nonsecure RSA public exponent
This issue occurs when you attempt RSA key generation by using a context object that is associated with a low public exponent.
For instance, you set a public exponent of 3 in the context object, and then use it for key generation.
/* Set public exponent */ ret = BN_dec2bn(&pubexp, "3"); /* Initialize context */ ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL); pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(kctx); /* Set public exponent in context */ ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp(ctx, pubexp); /* Generate key */ ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen(kctx, &pkey);
A low RSA public exponent makes certain kinds of attacks more damaging, especially when a weak padding scheme is used or padding is not used at all.
It is recommended to use a public exponent of 65537. Using a higher public exponent can make the operations slower.
#include <stddef.h> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(EVP_PKEY *pkey){ BIGNUM* pubexp; EVP_PKEY_CTX* ctx; pubexp = BN_new(); if (pubexp == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = BN_set_word(pubexp, 3); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(ctx, 2048); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp(ctx, pubexp); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); return EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &pkey); //Noncompliant }
In this example, an RSA public exponent of 3 is associated with the context object
. The low exponent makes operations that use the generated
key vulnerable to certain attacks.
One possible correction is to use the recommended public exponent 65537.
#include <stddef.h> #include <openssl/rsa.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(EVP_PKEY *pkey){ BIGNUM* pubexp; EVP_PKEY_CTX* ctx; pubexp = BN_new(); if (pubexp == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = BN_set_word(pubexp, 65537); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(ctx, 2048); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp(ctx, pubexp); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); return EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &pkey); }
Nonsecure SSL/TLS protocol
This issue occurs when you do not
disable nonsecure protocols in an SSL_CTX
or SSL
context object before using the object for handling SSL/TLS connections.
For instance, you disable the protocols SSL2.0 and TLS1.0 but forget to disable the protocol SSL3.0, which is also considered weak.
/* Create and configure context */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1); /* Use context to handle connection */ ssl = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_fd(ssl, NULL); ret = SSL_connect(ssl);
The protocols SSL2.0, SSL3.0, and TLS1.0 are considered weak in the cryptographic community. Using one of these protocols can expose your connections to cross-protocol attacks. The attacker can decrypt an RSA ciphertext without knowing the RSA private key.
Disable the nonsecure protocols in the context object before using the object to handle connections.
/* Create and configure context */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3|SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1);
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(){ SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL *ssl; SSL_library_init(); /* context configuration */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); if (ctx==NULL) fatal_error(); ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, "cert.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, NULL, "ca/path"); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); /* Handle connection */ ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if (ssl==NULL) fatal_error(); SSL_set_fd(ssl, NULL); return SSL_connect(ssl); //Noncompliant }
In this example, the protocols SSL2.0, SSL3.0, and TLS1.0 are not disabled in the context object before the object is used for a new connection.
Disable nonsecure protocols before using the objects for a new connection. Use
the function SSL_CTX_set_options
to disable the protocols
SSL2.0, SSL3.0, and TLS1.0.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #define fatal_error() exit(-1) int ret; int func(){ SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL *ssl; SSL_library_init(); /* context configuration */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); if (ctx==NULL) fatal_error(); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2|SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3|SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1); ret = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, "cert.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); ret = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, NULL, "ca/path"); if (ret <= 0) fatal_error(); /* Handle connection */ ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if (ssl==NULL) fatal_error(); SSL_set_fd(ssl, NULL); return SSL_connect(ssl); }
Unsafe standard encryption function
This issue occurs when a standard encryption function uses a broken or weak cryptographic
algorithm. For example, crypt
is not reentrant and is based on the
risky Data Encryption Standard (DES).
The use of a broken, weak, or nonstandard algorithm can expose sensitive information to an attacker. A determined hacker can access the protected data using various techniques.
If the weak function is nonreentrant, when you use the function in concurrent programs, there is an additional race condition risk.
Avoid functions that use these encryption algorithms. Instead, use a reentrant function that uses a stronger encryption algorithm.
Some implementations of crypt
support additional,
possibly more secure, encryption algorithms.
#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <pwd.h> #include <string.h> #include <crypt.h> volatile int rd = 1; const char *salt = NULL; struct crypt_data input, output; int verif_pwd(const char *pwd, const char *cipher_pwd, int safe) { int r = 0; char *decrypted_pwd = NULL; switch(safe) { case 1: decrypted_pwd = crypt_r(pwd, cipher_pwd, &output); break; case 2: decrypted_pwd = crypt_r(pwd, cipher_pwd, &output); break; default: decrypted_pwd = crypt(pwd, cipher_pwd); //Noncompliant break; } r = (strcmp(cipher_pwd, decrypted_pwd) == 0); return r; }
In this example, crypt_r
and crypt
a password. However, crypt
is nonreentrant and
uses the unsafe Data Encryption Standard
One possible correction is to replace crypt
with crypt_r
#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <pwd.h> #include <string.h> #include <crypt.h> volatile int rd = 1; const char *salt = NULL; struct crypt_data input, output; int verif_pwd(const char *pwd, const char *cipher_pwd, int safe) { int r = 0; char *decrypted_pwd = NULL; switch(safe) { case 1: decrypted_pwd = crypt_r(pwd, cipher_pwd, &output); break; case 2: decrypted_pwd = crypt_r(pwd, cipher_pwd, &output); break; default: decrypted_pwd = crypt_r(pwd, cipher_pwd, &output); break; } r = (strcmp(cipher_pwd, decrypted_pwd) == 0); return r; }
Check Information
Category: Others |
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
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