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Specify additional command-line flags for static analysis


This option is useful only if you run an analysis in the user interface of the Polyspace® desktop products.

Enter command-line-style flags such as -max-processes or -tmp-dir-in-results-dir.

Set Option

User interface (desktop products only): In your project configuration, the option is on the Advanced Settings node.

Enter command-line name of option in Other field.

You can enter multiple options in this field. If you enter the same option multiple times with different arguments, the analysis uses your last argument.

User interface (Polyspace Platform, desktop products only): In your project configuration, the option is on the Static Analysis tab on the Advanced node.

Why Use This Option

Use this option to add nonofficial or command-line only options to the analyzer.

Nonofficial options are undocumented options that MathWorks® Technical Support might provide you to work around specific issues. Sometimes, the options and their arguments have to be preceded by the option -extra-flags (that is, you have to enter -extra-flags option_param). When providing you the option, Technical Support will let you know if the option -extra-flags is required.

If you have to add several command line options, you can save them in a text file and specify the file using the option -options-file. You can reuse the options file across projects.

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