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Create code generation configuration objects


Use the coder.config function to create configuration objects for MEX code generation, standalone code generation, fixed-point conversion, and single-precision conversion. Modify the properties of the configuration object to customize the generated code according to your project requirements, such as readability, performance, hardware requirements, and use of custom libraries.

config_obj = coder.config creates a coder.MexCodeConfig code generation configuration object for use with codegen when generating a MEX function. Use a coder.MexCodeConfig object with the -config option of the codegen command.


config_obj = coder.config(build_type) creates a code generation configuration object for use with codegen when generating a MEX function or standalone code (static library, dynamically linked library or executable program). Use the code generation configuration object with the -config option of the codegen command.


config_obj = coder.config(build_type,'ecoder',ecoder_flag) creates a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object or a coder.CodeConfig object depending on whether ecoder_flag is true or false. build_type is 'lib', 'dll', or 'exe'. Set the flag to true to use these features:

  • Code verification through software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution.

  • Code tracing or bidirectional traceability.

  • Hardware specific optimizations and custom replacement libraries.

  • Customize the appearance of the generated code.

See Embedded Coder Capabilities for Code Generation from MATLAB Code (Embedded Coder).


config_obj = coder.config(numeric_conversion_type) creates these configuration objects for use with codegen:

  • coder.FixPtConfig when generating fixed-point MATLAB® or C/C++ code from floating-point MATLAB code. Use with the -float2fixed option of the codegen command.

  • coder.SingleConfig (Fixed-Point Designer) when generating single-precision MATLAB code from double-precision MATLAB code. Use with the -double2single option of the codegen command.

Fixed-point conversion or single-precision conversion requires Fixed-Point Designer™.


Once you create a code configuration object by using the coder.config function, you can modify its properties programmatically at the command line or interactively by using the Configuration Parameter Dialog Box. See Specify Configuration Parameters in Command-Line Workflow Interactively.



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Generate a MEX function from a MATLAB function that is suitable for code generation and enable a code generation report.

Write a MATLAB function, coderand, that generates a random scalar value from the standard uniform distribution on the open interval (0,1).

function r = coderand() %#codegen
% The directive %#codegen declares that the function
% is intended for code generation
r = rand();

Create a code generation configuration object to generate a MEX function.

cfg = coder.config % or cfg = coder.config('mex')

Open the code generation report.

cfg.GenerateReport = true;

Generate a MEX function in the current folder that specifies the configuration object by using the -config option.

% Generate a MEX function and code generation report
codegen -config cfg coderand

Create a code generation configuration object for a standalone C static library.

cfg = coder.config('lib')
% Returns a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object if the Embedded 
% Coder product is installed. 
% Otherwise, returns a coder.CodeConfig object.

Create a code generation configuration object to generate a standalone C dynamic library.

cfg = coder.config('dll')
% Returns a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object if the Embedded 
% Coder product is installed. 
% Otherwise, returns a coder.CodeConfig object.

Create a code generation configuration object to generate a standalone C executable.

cfg = coder.config('exe')
% Returns a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object if the Embedded 
% Coder product is installed. 
% Otherwise, returns a coder.CodeConfig object.

Create a coder.CodeConfig object even when the Embedded Coder® product is installed on your system.

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',false)

Create a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object without Embedded Coder.

cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true)

Create a coder.FixPtConfig object.

fixptcfg = coder.config('fixpt');

Create a coder.SingleConfig (Fixed-Point Designer) object.

scfg = coder.config('single');

Input Arguments

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Configuration Object TypeGenerated CodeCode Generation Configuration Object (Embedded Coder installed)Code Generation Configuration Object (Embedded Coder not installed)
'mex'MEX functioncoder.MexCodeConfigcoder.MexCodeConfig
'lib'Static librarycoder.EmbeddedCodeConfigcoder.CodeConfig
'dll'Dynamic librarycoder.EmbeddedCodeConfigcoder.CodeConfig

Example: coder.config('mex');

Data Types: char | string


Creates a coder.FixptConfig configuration object for use with codegen when generating fixed-point MATLAB or C/C++ code from floating-point MATLAB code.


Creates a coder.SingleConfig configuration object for use with codegen when generating single-precision MATLAB code from double-precision MATLAB code.

Example: coder.config('fixpt');

Data Types: char | string


Creates a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig configuration object regardless of the presence of Embedded Coder to allow use of the following features:

  • Code verification through software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) execution.

  • Code tracing or bidirectional traceability.

  • Hardware specific optimizations and custom replacement libraries.

  • Customize the appearance of the generated code

See Embedded Coder Capabilities for Code Generation from MATLAB Code (Embedded Coder).

build_type must be 'lib', 'dll', or 'exe'.

However, code generation by using a coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig object requires the Embedded Coder product.

falseCreates a coder.CodeConfig configuration object even if the Embedded Coder product is installed. build_type must be 'lib', 'dll', or 'exe'.

Example: coder.config('lib','ecoder',false);

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Handle to the MATLAB Coder™ code generation configuration object.


Use the coder function to open the MATLAB Coder app and create a MATLAB Coder project. The app provides a user interface that facilitates adding MATLAB files, defining input parameters, and specifying build parameters.

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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