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code = encode(msg,n,k) encodes message, msg, using the Hamming encoding method with codeword length, n, and message length, k. The value of n must be calculated for an integer, m, such that m ≥ 2. The values of n and k are calculated as 2m–1 and nm, respectively.


code = encode(msg,n,k,codingMethod,prim_poly) encodes msg using codingMethod as the Hamming encoding method, and prim_poly as the primitive polynomial. The value of n must be calculated for an integer, m≥2.


code = encode(msg,n,k,codingMethod,genmat) encodes msg using codingMethod as the linear block encoding method and genmat as the generator matrix. The value of n must be calculated for an integer, m≥2.


code = encode(msg,n,k,codingMethod,genpoly) encodes msg using codingMethod as the systematic cyclic code and genpoly, as the generator polynomial. The value of n must be calculated for an integer, m≥2.


[code,added] = encode(___) returns the additional variable added. added denotes the number of zeros appended at the end of the message matrix before encoding. You can specify any of the input argument combinations from the previous syntaxes.


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Set the values of the codeword length and message length.

n = 15; % Codeword length
k = 11; % Message length

Create a random binary message with the length equal to the message length.

data = randi([0 1],k,1);

Encode the message.

encData = encode(data,n,k,'hamming/binary');

Corrupt the encoded message by introducing an error at a random location.

errLoc = randerr(1,n);
encData = mod(encData + errLoc',2);

Decode the corrupted sequence. Observe that the decoder has correctly recovered the message.

decData = decode(encData,n,k,'hamming/binary');
numerr = biterr(data,decData)
numerr = 

Set the values of the codeword length and message length.

n = 7; % Codeword length
k = 3; % Message length

Create a random binary message with the length equal to the message length.

data = randi([0 1],k,1);

Create a cyclic generator polynomial. Then, create a parity-check matrix and convert it into a generator matrix.

pol = cyclpoly(n,k);
parmat = cyclgen(n,pol);
genmat = gen2par(parmat);

Encode the message sequence by using the generator matrix.

encData = encode(data,n,k,'linear/binary',genmat);

Corrupt the encoded message by introducing an error at a random location.

errLoc = randerr(1,n);
encData = mod(encData + errLoc',2);

Decode the corrupted sequence. Observe that the decoder has correctly recovered the message.

decData = decode(encData,n,k,'linear/binary',genmat);
Single-error patterns loaded in decoding table.  8 rows remaining.
2-error patterns loaded.  1 rows remaining.
3-error patterns loaded.  0 rows remaining.
numerr = biterr(data,decData)
numerr = 

Set the values of the codeword length and message length.

n = 15; % Codeword length
k = 5; % Message length

Create a random binary message with the length equal to the message length.

data = randi([0 1],k,1);

Create a generator polynomial for a cyclic code. Create a parity-check matrix by using the generator polynomial.

genpoly = cyclpoly(n,k);
parmat = cyclgen(n,genpoly);

Create a syndrome decoding table by using the parity-check matrix.

trt = syndtable(parmat);
Single-error patterns loaded in decoding table.  1008 rows remaining.
2-error patterns loaded.  918 rows remaining.
3-error patterns loaded.  648 rows remaining.
4-error patterns loaded.  243 rows remaining.
5-error patterns loaded.  0 rows remaining.

Encode the data by using the generator polynomial.

encData = encode(data,n,k,'cyclic/binary',genpoly);

Corrupt the encoded message by introducing three errors at random locations.

errLoc = randerr(1,n,3);
encData = mod(encData + errLoc',2);

Decode the corrupted sequence. Observe that the decoder has correctly recovered the message.

decData = decode(encData,n,k,'cyclic/binary',genpoly,trt);
numerr = biterr(data,decData)
numerr = 

Input Arguments

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Input messages, specified as one of these options:

  • Binary column or row vector with k columns

  • Binary matrix with k columns

  • Column or row vector of k columns and having integers in the range [0, 2k–1]

Example: msg = [0 1 1 0, 0 1 0 1, 1 0 0 1] specifies a binary row vector for k=4.

Example: msg = [0 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 0 0 1] specifies a binary matrix for k=4.

Example: msg = [6, 10, 9] specifies a row vector of integers for k=4.

Data Types: double

Codeword length, specified as a positive integer. The function calculates this value as 2^m–1, where m must be greater than or equal to 2.

Data Types: double

Message length, specified as a positive integer. The function calculates this value as nm, where m must be greater than or equal to 2.

Data Types: double

Error coding method and format, specified as one of these:

  • 'hamming/binary'

  • 'hamming/decimal'

  • 'linear/binary'

  • 'linear/decimal'

  • 'cyclic/binary'

  • 'cyclic/decimal'

Data Types: char | string

Primitive polynomial, specified as one of these options:

  • Binary row vector — This vector gives coefficients of prim_poly in the order of ascending powers.

  • Character vector or a string scalar — This value defines prim_poly in textual representation. For more information, see polynomial character vector.

  • Positive integer — This value defines prim_poly in the range [2m + 1, 2m + 1 – 1].

For more information about default primitive polynomials, see Default Primitive Polynomials. For more information about the representation of primitive polynomials, see Primitive Polynomials and Element Representations.

Data Types: double | char | string

Generator matrix, specified as a k-by-n numeric matrix.

Data Types: double

Generator polynomial, specified as a polynomial character vector or a row vector that gives the coefficients in order of ascending powers of the binary generator polynomial. The value of genpoly for an [n, k] cyclic code must have degree nk and divide xn-1, where x is an identifier.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Output code, returned as one of the options in this table. The value and dimension of code depends on the value and dimension of the msg and the input message format according to this table:

msg ValueInput Message Formatcode Value

Binary column or row vector


Binary column or row vector

Binary matrix with k columns


Binary matrix with n columns

Column or row vector of integers in the range [0, 2k–1]


Column or row vector of integers in the range [0, 2n–1]

Additional variable, returned as the number of zeros that were appended at the end of the message matrix before encoding for the matrix to have the appropriate size. The size of the message matrix depends on the n, k, and msg and the encoding method.


Depending on the error-correction coding method, the encode function relies on lower-level functions such as hammgen and cyclgen.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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