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General CRC Generator

Generate CRC code bits according to generator polynomial and append to input data frames

  • General CRC Generator block

Communications Toolbox / Error Detection and Correction / CRC


The General CRC Generator block generates cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code bits for each input data frame and appends them to the frame. For more information, see CRC Generator Operation.


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Configure a CRC with the g(x) = x³ + x + 1 generator polynomial and indirect algorithm to append CRC bits to a frame by using Simulink® blocks and compare the results to the operation of the General CRC Generator block in the Communications Toolbox™ with the same configuration.

The cm_crcgen_indirect model runs both CRC generators with the register set to a specific initial state and for a known 6 bit long input message. The initial states are loaded into the workspace variable iniStates by using the PreLoadFcn callback function. For more information, see Model Callbacks (Simulink).

Running the simulation displays the appended CRC bits that are generated by using the General CRC Generator block and the CRC generated by using a generator polynomial built by using Simulink® blocks. View the model output to confirm that the results of both implementations match. You can run the model with different message bits or with different initial states. To adjust the initial states, change the iniStates workspace variable before to running the simulation.

For other changes to the CRC generator, such as specifying a higher order polynomial, you must revise the layout of the model blocks for the polynomial generator that is built from individual Simulink® blocks. However, to reconfigure the General CRC Generator block, you can simply update its parameter settings.

Configure a CRC with the g(x) = x³ + x + 1 generator polynomial and direct algorithm to append CRC bits to a frame by using Simulink® blocks and compare the results to the operation of the General CRC Generator block in the Communications Toolbox™ with the same configuration.

The cm_crcgen_direct model runs both CRC generators with the register set to a specific initial state and for a known 6 bit long input message. The initial states are loaded into the workspace variable iniStates by using the PreLoadFcn callback function. For more information, see Model Callbacks (Simulink).

Running the simulation displays the appended CRC bits that are generated by using the General CRC Generator block and the CRC generated by using a generator polynomial built by using Simulink® blocks. View the model output to confirm that the results of both implementations match. You can run the model with different message bits or with different initial states. To adjust the initial states, change the iniStates workspace variable before to running the simulation.

For other changes to the CRC generator, such as specifying a higher order polynomial, you must revise the layout of the model blocks for the polynomial generator that is built from individual Simulink® blocks. However, to reconfigure the General CRC Generator block, you can simply update its parameter settings.

Generate a CRC-8 checksum for the example shown in 802.11™-2016, section and compare with the expected CRC.

Explore the Model

To align with the CRC calculation in 802.11-2016, the General CRC Generator block mask sets the generator polynomial to $z^8 + z^2 + z + 1$, initial states to 1, final XOR parameter to 1, and selects direct method.

The simulation is configured to process one input frame modeling the example from the 802.11-2016 standard in section In the example, the input bit stream {m0, … m22} is {1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1} and the expected CRC checksum {c7, … c0} is {0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0}. The generated CRC checksum bits are compared to the expected bits and a 1 is output for each equal bit in the 8 bit CRC checksum.

comparedOut =

  8x1 logical array



[1] IEEE Std 802.11™-2016 IEEE Standard for Information Technology—Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN MAC and PHY Specifications.



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Input signal, specified as a binary column vector. The length of the input frame must be a multiple of the value of the Checksums per frame parameter.

Data Types: double | Boolean


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Output codeword frame, returned as a binary column vector that inherits the data type of the input signal. The output contains the input data frames with the CRC bit sequences appended to them.

The length of the output frame is m + k * r, where m is the size of the input frame, k is the number of checksums per frame, and r is the degree of the generator polynomial.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Generator polynomial for the CRC algorithm, specified as one of the following:

  • A polynomial character vector such as 'z^3 + z^2 + 1'.

  • A binary row vector that represents the coefficients of the generator polynomial in order of descending power. The length of this vector is (N+1), where N is the degree of the generator polynomial. For example, [1 1 0 1] represents the polynomial x3+ z2+ 1.

  • An integer row vector containing the exponents of z for the nonzero terms in the polynomial in descending order. For example, [3 2 0] represents the polynomial z3 + z2 + 1.

For more information, see Representation of Polynomials in Communications Toolbox.

The default value is the CRC-16-CCITT generator polynomial. This table lists some commonly used generator polynomials.

CRC NameGenerator Polynomial
CRC-32'z^32 + z^26 + z^23 + z^22 + z^16 + z^12 + z^11 + z^10 + z^8 + z^7 + z^5 + z^4 + z^2 + z + 1'
CRC-24 'z^24 + z^23 + z^14 + z^12 + z^8 + 1'
CRC-16 'z^16 + z^15 + z^2 + 1'
CRC-16-CCITT'z^16 + z^12 + z^5 + 1'
Reversed CRC-16'z^16 + z^14 + z + 1'
CRC-8'z^8 + z^7 + z^6 + z^4 + z^2 + 1'
CRC-4 'z^4 + z^3 + z^2 + z + 1'

Example: 'z^7 + z^2 + 1', [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1], and [7 2 0] represent the same polynomial, p(z) = z 7 + z 2 + 1.

Initial states of the internal shift register, specified as a binary scalar or a binary row vector with a length equal to the degree of the generator polynomial. A scalar value is expanded to a row vector of equal length to the degree of the generator polynomial.

Select to use the direct algorithm for CRC checksum calculations. When cleared, the block uses the non-direct algorithm for CRC checksum calculations.

For more information on direct and non-direct algorithms, see Error Detection and Correction.

Select to flip the input data on a bytewise basis before entering the data into the shift register. When Reflect input bytes is selected, the input frame length divided by the value of the Checksums per frame parameter must be an integer and a multiple of 8. When Reflect input bytes is cleared, the block does not flip the input data.

Select to flip the CRC checksums around their centers after the input data are completely through the shift register. When Reflect checksums before final XOR is cleared, the block does not flip the CRC checksums.

Final XOR, specified as a binary scalar or a binary row vector with a length equal to the degree of the generator polynomial. The XOR operation runs using the value of the Final XOR parameter the CRC checksum before appending the CRC to the input data. A scalar value is expanded to a row vector of equal length to the degree of the generator polynomial. A setting of 0 is equivalent to no XOR operation.

Number of checksums calculated for each frame, specified as a positive integer.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

Boolean | double

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals



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[1] Sklar, Bernard. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1988.

[2] Wicker, Stephen B. Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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