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System-Level Simulation

DLL, MAC sublayer, LLC sublayer, and multinode communications

Develop communications system models of system-level designs that represent single-link simulations or multinode network simulations.

  • Model systems operating across an open systems interconnection (OSI) reference model protocol stack, including the physical layer (PHY) at layer 1, the data link layer (DLL) at layer 2, and the network layer at layer 3. The DLL identifies the network protocol type, provides error control, and assembles frames of data for transmission by the PHY layer. The medium access control (MAC) and logical link control (LLC) sublayers of the DLL are responsible for providing an error-free link between two nodes sharing the same channel.

  • Send and receive wireless waveforms in system-level simulations.

  • Send and receive data packets in system-level simulations that use behavioral PHY layer models.

  • Evaluate the network performance with different data traffic models, scheduling strategies, and PHY algorithms.

  • Analyze the effect of coexistence, interference, and channel impairments.

  • Measure quantities like throughput, scheduling fairness, block error rate (BLER), and spectrum efficiency.

  • Use visualization capabilities to explore the performance of the network.

To use network simulation functionality with 5G Toolbox, WLAN Toolbox, or Bluetooth Toolbox download and install the Communications Toolbox Wireless Network Simulation Library add-on.


networkTrafficFTPFTP application traffic pattern generator (Since R2020b)
networkTrafficOnOffOn-Off application traffic pattern generator (Since R2022a)
networkTrafficVideoConferenceVideo conference application traffic pattern generator (Since R2021a)
networkTrafficVoIPVoIP application traffic pattern generator (Since R2020b)
wirelessNetworkSimulatorWireless network simulator (Since R2022b)


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