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Download SD card image or bitstream file

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Embedded Series Radio add-on.


downloadImage(devE3xx,'BoardName',DeviceName) downloads the default SD card image onto the SD card inserted into the reader of the radio hardware associated with the radio object devE3xx. Specify the name of the radio hardware by DeviceName. The board restarts with the new image.


downloadImage(devE3xx,'BoardName',DeviceName,'IPAddress',IPAddress) updates the default SD card image with the specified IP address and downloads the image onto the SD card inserted into the reader of the radio hardware. The board restarts with the new image. The function also updates the IPAddress property of the devE3xx radio object accordingly.

downloadImage(devE3xx,'BoardName',DeviceName,'IPAddress',IPAddress,Name,Value) uses additional options specified by one or more name-value pair arguments. Use these options to change the netmask and gateway of the updated IP address in the downloaded SD card image. The board restarts with the new image. The function also updates the IPAddress property of the devE3xx radio object accordingly.

downloadImage(___,'SDCardLocation',SDCardLocation) downloads the SD card image onto the SD card inserted into the SD card reader on the host computer specified by SDCardLocation. Use this name-value pair in addition to the input arguments in any of the previous syntax descriptions. After the image is downloaded, insert the SD card into the reader of the specified radio hardware and restart the board.


downloadImage(___,'SDCardImage',SDCardImage) downloads a custom SD card image onto the SD card inserted into the reader of the radio hardware. Use this name-value pair in addition to the input arguments in the first syntax description. The board restarts with the new image.

downloadImage(___,'SDCardImage',SDCardImage,'SDCardLocation',SDCardLocation) downloads a custom SD card image onto the SD card inserted into the specified SD card reader of the host computer. After the image is downloaded, insert the SD card into the reader of the specified radio hardware and restart the board. Use these name-value pairs in addition to the input arguments in the first syntax description.

downloadImage(___,'FPGAImage',FPGAImage) downloads the bitstream specified by FPGAImage onto the SD card inserted into the reader of the specified radio hardware. Use this name-value pair in addition to the input arguments in the first syntax description. The board restarts with the new image and the bitstream is downloaded to the radio hardware.


To download the SD card image onto the SD card inserted into the reader of the radio hardware, an Ethernet connection must be present between the host and the radio hardware.


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Connect the radio hardware to the host over an Ethernet cable and insert an SD card into the card reader on the radio hardware. Make sure your radio hardware is configured for host-radio communication by following the steps in Guided Host-Radio Hardware Setup.

Create a radio object for your radio hardware. For example:

dev = sdrdev('E3xx')
dev = 
  SDRDevE3xx with properties:

     IPAddress: ''
    DeviceName: 'E3xx'

Download the default SD card image onto the SD card by using the object and the device name.

## Loading SD card image.
## Rebooting board.
## Reboot complete.

Insert an SD card into the SD card reader on the host computer.

Create a radio object for your radio hardware.

dev = sdrdev('E3xx')
dev = 
  SDRDevE3xx with properties:

     IPAddress: ''
    DeviceName: 'E3xx'

Download the default SD card image onto the SD card by using the object, the device name, and by specifying the drive name of the SD card reader.

## Copying to SD card.

Input Arguments

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Interface to USRP E3xx radio hardware, specified as a comm.SDRDevE3xx radio object. To create this object, use the sdrdev function.

Name of USRP E3xx radio hardware, specified as a character vector. Valid character vectors include:

  • 'E310'

  • 'E312'

IP address of the radio hardware, specified as a dotted-quad character vector.

Drive name of the SD card reader on the host, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'SDCardLocation','Z:'

Folder location of a custom SD card image, specified as a character vector. To generate a custom SD card image, see FPGA Targeting Workflow.

Example: 'SDCardImage','C:\mywork\hdl_prj\sdr_prj\sdcard_image'

Bitstream file specified as 'Default' or a character vector containing the extension .bit. When you specify 'Default', the default bitstream is downloaded onto the SD card. Otherwise, you can download a custom bitstream. To generate custom bitstreams, see Step 7. Generate FPGA Bitstream and Program Zynq Hardware of the hardware-software co-design workflow.

Example: 'FPGAImage','C:\mywork\hdl_bitstreams\system_wrapper.bit'

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Netmask','/23','Gateway','' specifies the netmask and gateway for the network interface.

Netmask for network interface, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Netmask' and a character vector using the CIDR format.

Example: 'Netmask','/23'

Gateway for network interface, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Gateway' and a dotted-quad character vector.

Example: 'Gateway',''

Version History

Introduced in R2016b