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Setup for Tuning Simulink Models

Configure Simulink® models for command-line tuning

To tune a Simulink model at the command-line, use the slTuner interface to configure the model for tuning, specify blocks to tune, and specify analysis points. The slTuner interface stores a linear approximation of the Simulink model and other information required to tune the system. For an example, see Create and Configure slTuner Interface to Simulink Model. (Tuning Simulink models requires Simulink Control Design™ software.)


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slTunerInterface for control system tuning of Simulink models
slTunerOptionsSet slTuner interface options
addBlockAdd block to list of tuned blocks for slTuner interface
addOpeningAdd signal to list of openings for slLinearizer or slTuner interface
addPointAdd signal to list of analysis points for slLinearizer or slTuner interface
refreshResynchronize slLinearizer or slTuner interface with current model state
removeAllOpeningsRemove all openings from list of permanent openings in slLinearizer or slTuner interface
removeAllPointsRemove all points from list of analysis points in slLinearizer or slTuner interface
removeBlockRemove block from list of tuned blocks in slTuner interface
removeOpeningRemove opening from list of permanent loop openings in slLinearizer or slTuner interface
removePointRemove point from list of analysis points in slLinearizer or slTuner interface
setBlockParamSet parameterization of tuned block in slTuner interface
setBlockRateConversionSet rate conversion settings for tuned block in slTuner interface
setBlockValueSet value of tuned block parameterization in slTuner interface
writeBlockValueUpdate block values in Simulink model
writeLookupTableDataUpdate portion of tuned lookup table
getBlockParamGet parameterization of tuned block in slTuner interface
getBlockRateConversionGet rate conversion settings for tuned block in slTuner interface
getBlockValueGet current value of tuned block parameterization in slTuner interface
getOpeningsGet list of openings for slLinearizer or slTuner interface
getPointsGet list of analysis points for slLinearizer or slTuner interface
showTunableShow value of parameterizations of tunable blocks of slTuner interface


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