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Create code replacement table entry for a CBLAS operation


obj = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator creates a handle, obj, to a code replacement table entry for a CBLAS operator. The entry maps a conceptual representation of an operator to an implementation (replacement) representation.



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This example shows how to create a code replacement table entry for a CBLAS operator, hEnt.

hTable = RTW.TflTable;

arch = computer('arch');
compilerName = 'my_compiler';
LibPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'extern', ...
    'lib', arch, compilerName);

op_entry = RTW.TflCBlasEntryGenerator;

libExt = 'lib';

setTflCOperationEntryParameters(op_entry, ...
    'Key',                      'RTW_OP_MUL', ...
    'Priority',                 100, ...
    'ImplementationName',       'dgemm32', ...
    'ImplementationHeaderFile', 'my_cblas_compatible_crl.h', ...
    'ImplementationHeaderPath', fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','extern','include'), ...
    'AdditionalLinkObjs',       {['my_lib_cblas_compatible.' libExt]}, ...
    'AdditionalLinkObjsPaths',  {LibPath}, ...
    'SideEffects',              true);

Output Arguments

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The obj is a handle to the created code replacement table entry for a CBLAS operator.

Version History

Introduced in R2010a