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Check Model and Configuration for Code Generation

By using Embedded Coder®, you can assess whether your model is ready to generate code and also satisfies the intended code generation objectives. These capabilities are provided in:

Check Model During Code Generation by Using the Code Generation Advisor

To review a model as part of the code generation process, use the Code Generation Advisor.

  1. To select and prioritize your code generation objectives, on the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation pane, click Set Objectives.

  2. On the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > General pane, select one of the following from Check model before generating code:

    • On (proceed with warnings)

    • On (stop for warnings)

  3. If you want to only generate code, select Generate code only. Otherwise clear the check box to build an executable.

  4. Apply your changes. Press Ctrl+B to generate code or build the model.

    If the Code Generation Advisor issues failures or warnings, and you specified:

    • On (proceed with warnings) — The Code Generation Advisor window opens while the build process proceeds. After the build process is complete, you can review the results.

    • On (stop for warnings) — The build process halts and displays the Diagnostic Viewer. To continue, you must review and resolve the Code Generation Advisor results or clear the Check model before generating code parameter.

  5. In the Code Generation Advisor window, review the results by selecting a check from the left pane. The results for that check display in the right pane.

  6. After reviewing the check results, you can choose to fix warnings and failures as described in Fix a Model Advisor Check Warning or Failure.


    When you specify an efficiency or Safety precaution objective, the Code Generation Advisor includes additional checks. When you make changes to one of these additional checks, previous check results can potentially become invalid and need to be rerun.

For more information, see Set Objectives — Code Generation Advisor Dialog Box

Embedded Coder Model Advisor Checks for Standards, Guidelines, and Code Efficiency

To check that your model meets guidelines, standards, and is ready to generate code, you can use the Model Advisor checks available with Embedded Coder.

  • On the Modeling tab, select Model Advisor.

  • In the Model Advisor window, expand the By Product folder. The Embedded Coder folder contains Model Advisor checks that you can run. For a complete list of checks, see Embedded Coder Checks.

    For more information about the Model Advisor, see Check Your Model Using the Model Advisor.

When you have Embedded Coder, you also can use the Simulink Coder Model Advisor checks. For more information, see Simulink Coder Model Advisor Checks for Standards and Code Efficiency.

See Also

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