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Interactively Configure C++ Interface

To streamline the integration of C++ code generated from Simulink® applications, components, and subsystems with external C or C++ code, configure a customized C++ class interface. When you generate C++ code from a model, the model appears as a class, the data elements appear as class members, and the model functions appear as class methods in the generated code. Configuring a C++ class interface enables you to customize the following aspects of the generated C++ code:

  • Class information — Class name and namespace

  • Class member information — Class member access and visibility

  • Class method information — Class method names and arguments

A customized C++ class interface enables the generated classes to meet specific code standards or interface requirements so that the generated code can compile and integrate into larger architectures with minimal post-generation customization.

Interactive Workflow Overview

The interactive workflow provides quick, intuitive, and complete configuration of a customized C++ class interface by using tools accessible directly from the C++ Code tab. From the tab, you can click Code Interface and access the Class Name & Namespace configuration dialog box and Code Mappings editor (with Property Inspector) to configure an interface.

To interactively configure a customized C++ interface:

Open Environment

Open the environment for configuring a customized C++ class interface:

  1. Open the model CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.

  2. Open the Embedded Coder® app. In the Apps gallery, click Embedded Coder.

  3. Set the language to C++. On the C++ Code tab, click Output and select Embedded C++ Code.

    View of the CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition model in Simulink. The toolstrip is at the top. The Simulink model is at the bottom.

  4. Set the model configuration parameters. To open the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the C++ Code tab, click Settings, and select C/C++ Code generation settings. These parameters configure model-wide code generation behavior. To configure parameters specific to generating a customized C++ class interface, you can set these parameters (located on the Interface pane):

    Options for the coder interface pane. Check Include model types in model class.

    Configuration ParameterDescription
    Code interface packagingSelects output language for generated code. For more information, see Code interface packaging.
    Multi-instance code error diagnostic

    Specifies the severity level for diagnostics displayed when a model violates requirements for generating multi-instance code. For more information, see Multi-instance code error diagnostic.

    Remove error status field in real-time model data structure

    Specifies whether to omit the error status field from the generated real-time model data structure rtModel. For more information, see Remove error status field in real-time model data structure.

    Include model types in model class

    Specifies to include model type definitions within the class namespace of the model. For more information, see Include model types in model class.

    Interface parameters that are related but are less commonly used appear under Advanced parameters.

    Configuration ParameterDescription
    Terminate function required

    Specifies whether to generate the model_terminate method. For more information, see Terminate function required.

    Combine signal/state structures

    Specifies whether to combine global block signals and global state data into one data structure in the generated code. For more information, see Combine signal/state structures.

    Generate destructor

    Specifies whether to generate a destructor for the C++ model class. For more information, see Generate destructor.

    Use dynamic memory allocation for model block instantiation

    Specifies memory allocation for model hierarchies. For more information, see Use dynamic memory allocation for model block instantiation.

Configure Model as Class

Configure the class name and namespace. When you generate C++ code from a model, that model appears as a class in the generated code. To ease integration and comply with code and interface requirements, you can customize the generated class name. Optionally, you can scope the generated code and prevent symbol clashes within a project by specifying a namespace for the generated class. In modeled systems constructed as a model hierarchy, you can specify a different namespace for each model in the hierarchy.

The generated C++ class interface, declared in the model header file, incorporates the customized name and namespace:

// File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
    // public data and function members

    // private data and function members     



To configure the class name and namespace for a customized C++ class interface:

  1. On the C++ Code tab, click Code Interface and select Class Name & Namespace.

    View of the configuration display for the C++ class name and namespace

  2. To configure the class name, edit the C++ Class Name field.

  3. To configure the class namespace, edit the C++ Class Namespace field.

    You can configure a nested namespace for the model by delimiting the namespaces by using the scope resolution operator :: in the form ns1::ns2::ns3.

  4. Click OK. Validation is performed interactively with field warnings that alert you if you enter an invalid name or namespace.

Configure Model Data Elements as Class Members

Configure the visibility and access of class members. When you generate C++ code from a model, Simulink data elements appear as class members in the generated code. To adjust the encapsulation of the class data to meet code standards, security, or performance requirements, you can customize the visibility and access of the generated class members. Simulink data elements can be grouped into these categories of modeling elements:

Model Element CategoryDescription

Root-level data input ports of a model, such as Inport and In Bus Element blocks. For more information, see Inport.


Root-level data output ports of a model, such as Outport and Out Bus Element blocks. For more information, see Outport.

Model parameter arguments

Workspace variables that appear as instance (nonstatic) class data members.

Model parameters

Workspace variables that are shared across instances of the model class and are generated as static class data members.

Signals, states, and internal data

Data elements that are internal to a model, such as block output signals, discrete block states, data stores, and zero-crossing signals.

For each model element category, you can configure the data visibility to control the access modifier (access specifier) of the generated class members. Each option and its impact on the generated C++ class interface, declared in the model header file, is outlined in this table.

Data Visibility OptionsDescription

If you configure data elements as public, they appear as public members of the generated class.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
    // example inport
    ExtU rtU;

    // example outport
    ExtY rtY;
    // example block signals and states
    DW rtDW;
    // Other data, methods, and types (not shown) 


If you configure data elements as protected, they appear as protected members of the generated class:

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

// Class declaration for model example_model
namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {


    // example inport
    ExtU rtU;

    // example outport
    ExtY rtY;
    // example block signals and states
    DW rtDW;

   // Other data, methods, and types (not shown)   

If you configure elements as private, they appear as private members of the generated class.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
    // example inport
    ExtU rtU;

    // example outport
    ExtY rtY;
    // example block signals and states
    DW rtDW;

   // Other data, methods, and types (not shown)
Individual arguments (Model parameter arguments only)

If you configure model parameter arguments with visibility set to Individual arguments, the parameters do not appear as members of the class, but are instead passed as arguments to class methods.

The Individual arguments setting is supported for referenced models. Only referenced models can generate methods that use individual arguments.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {

   // model step function
   void step1(real_T rty_engineState,
     const real_T modelParameterArgument);

   // Other data, methods, and types (not shown)

After you set the data visibility of a model element category, you can configure the model access method to determine how the get and set methods are generated for the data elements. This configuration controls how application code can view and modify the class member data. Each option and its impact on the generated C++ class interface, declared in the model header file, is outlined in this table.

Member Access Method OptionsDescription

If you configure inports as Method, a set method appears for each inport. If you configure outports as Method, a get method appears for each outport in the model. If you configure the other model element categories as Method, an aggregate structure-based get and set method appears for the data element category.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
   // example inport
   void setInport(real_T localArgInput);

   // example outport
   real_T getOutport() const;

   // example of model parameter arguments configured with
   // ‘DataAccess’ ‘Direct'
   real_T const &getInstP() const;

   // example of model parameter arguments configured with
   // ‘DataAccess’ ‘Pointer’
   // real_T const *getInstP() const;

   // example Block parameters get and set methods
   const P &getBlockParameters() const;
   void setBlockParameters(const P *pP) const;

   // example Block states get and set methods
   const DW &getDWork() const;
   void setDWork(const DW *pDW);
Inlined method

If you configure inports as Inlined method, a set method defined in its declaration appears for each inport. If you configure outports as Inlined method, a get method defined in its declaration appears for each outport in the model. If you configure the other model element categories as Inlined method, an aggregate structure-based get and set method defined in its declaration appears for the data element category.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
   // example inport set method
   void setkeyState(real_T localArgInput) {
     rtU.keyState = localArgInput;
   // example outport get method
   const real_T *getengineState() const {
     return rtY.engineState;

   // example Block parameters get and set method
   const P &getBlockParameters() const {
     return rtP;
   void setBlockParameters(const P *pP) const {
     rtP = *pP;

  // example Block states get and set methods
   const DW &getDWork() const {
     return rtDW;
   void setDWork(const DW *pDW) {
     rtDW = *pDW;
Structure-based method

If you configure the inports as Structure-based method, the inports appear as an aggregate structure-based set method for the model element category. If you configure the outports as Structure-based method, the outports appear as an aggregate structure-based get method for the model element category. This configuration option does not apply to the other model element categories.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
   // public data and function members

   // External inputs (root inport signals with default storage)
   struct ExtU {
     real_T keyState;                   // '<Root>/keyState'
   // External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage)
   struct ExtY {
     real_T engineState[3];             // '<Root>/engineState'
     real_T cycleTime;                  // '<Root>/cycleTime'

   // example inport
   void setExternalInputs(const ExtU *pExtU);
   // example outport 
   const ExtY &getExternalOutputs() const;

   // Other model element categories may not be configured as ‘Structure-based method’
Inlined structure-based method

If you configure the inports as Inlined structure-based method, the inports appear as an aggregate structure-based set method defined in its declaration for the model element category. If you configure the outports to Inlined structure-based method, the outports appear as an aggregate structure-based get method defined in their declaration for the model element category. This configuration option does not apply to the other model element categories.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {

   // External inputs (root inport signals with default storage)
   struct ExtU {
     real_T keyState;                   // '<Root>/keyState'
   // External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage)
   struct ExtY {
     real_T engineState[3];             // '<Root>/engineState'
     real_T cycleTime;                  // '<Root>/cycleTime'

   // example inport
   void setExternalInputs(const ExtU *pExtU);
   // example outport 
   const ExtY &getExternalOutputs() const;

   // example inport
   void setExternalInputs(const ExtU *pExtU)
      rtU = *pExtU;
   // example outport
   const ExtY &getExternalOutputs() const
      return rtY;
   // Other model element categories may not be configured as ‘Inlined structure-based method’

If you configure the access of a model element category as None, get and set methods do not appear in the generated class and data can be accessed directly by application code.

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
   // External inputs (root inport signals with default storage)
   struct ExtU {
     real_T keyState;                   // '<Root>/keyState'
   // External outputs (root outports fed by signals with default storage)
   struct ExtY {
     real_T engineState[3];             // '<Root>/engineState'
     real_T cycleTime;                  // '<Root>/cycleTime'

   // External inputs
   ExtU rtU;
   // External outputs
   ExtY rtY;

For each model element category, valid data visibility and member access method combinations are outlined in this table.

Model Element CategoryData VisibilityMember Access Method


Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method



Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method




Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method



Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method



Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method




Inlined method

Structure-based method

Inlined structure-based method

Model parameter argumentsIndividual arguments




Inlined method

Model parametersprivate



Inlined method




Inlined method




Inlined method

Signals, states, and internal dataprivate



Inlined method




Inlined method




Inlined method

For model parameter arguments, you can configure block parameters to be instance-specific or shared when the visibility is private. See Configure Parameters for C++ Interface Code Generation for more information. To configure Individual arguments visibility for model parameter arguments, the model must be a referenced model. Only referenced models can generate methods that use individual arguments.

For inports, outports, and model parameter arguments, you can additionally specify whether the data for the model element category is stored by value ('Direct') or pointer ('Pointer') in the generated code.

When configuring data access for Inports or Outports as pointer members, the model must have model configuration parameters set to either generate an example ERT main program (ert_main.cpp) or generate code only. Additionally, the data access method for the inports or outports must be structure-based. To configure the data access method for model parameter arguments, data visibility cannot be set to Individual arguments.


To configure the class members of a customized C++ class interface:

  1. Open the Code Mappings editor. On the C++ Code tab, click Code Interface and select Code Mappings.

  2. Open the Data pane. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Data tab.

    View of the CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition model in Simulink. The toolstrip is at the top. The Simulink model is in the middle. The Code Mappings - C++ Class pane is at the bottom. The Data tab in the Code Mappings pane is selected. The Property Inspector pane is on the right.

  3. Configure the visibility. To configure the visibility of a category of Simulink data elements in the generated code, from the Data Visibility column, select an access specifier from the given options. Options vary depending on the Model Element Category.

  4. Configure the member access. To configure the access of a category of Simulink data elements in the generated code, from the Member Access Method column, select how to generate get and set methods from the given options. Options vary depending on the Model Element Category and the selected Data Visibility.

  5. Configure the data access. To configure data access for inports, outports, or model parameter arguments:

    1. Select the model element that you want to configure (Inports, Outports, or Model parameter arguments).

    2. Verify that Data Visibility and Member Access Method are set as needed to configure data access.

      Data access is configurable for inports, outports, and model parameter arguments with these specifications:

      • 'Inports' whose member access method is set to 'Structure-based method' or 'Inlined structure-based method'.

      • 'Outports' whose member access method is set to 'Structure-based method' or 'Inlined structure-based method'.

      • 'ModelParameterArguments' whose data visibility is set to 'private' (not 'Individual Arguments').

    3. Click Icon to configure additional code mapping properties to open the Data Access dialogue box, and select Pointer or Direct.

Configure Model Functions as Class Methods

Configure the class method names and arguments. When you generate C++ code from a model, model functions appear as class methods in the generated code. To integrate with external code or interface requirements, you can customize the name of the generated class methods. Additionally, for base-rate periodic functions and Simulink Functions, you can configure the name, order, and identifier of the generated arguments.

The generated class methods are referred to as entry-point methods and are locations in code where a transfer of program control (execution) occurs. Entry-point methods vary depending on the type of Simulink model and can be grouped into the following types:

Model TypeType of Model FunctionDescriptionName of Model FunctionExpected Method Name
Export-Function ModelsExported functionThe exported function for a subsystem.ExportedFunction:slIdentifier, where slIdentifier is the name of the function-call Inport block in the modelfunction-call-inport-block-name or signal-label (if specified)
Simulink FunctionThe exported function for a Simulink Function block.Simulink Function:slIdentifier, where slIdentifier is the name of the Simulink Function block in the modelfunction-name for a global Simulink Function block or model_function-name for a scoped Simulink Function block
Export-Function or Rate-based ModelsInitialize function

Initialization code for a model. At the start of the application code, call the function once. Do not use this function to reset the real-time model data structure (rtM).

Partition functionFor a model partition, output and update code. Model configuration parameter Single output/update function is selected (the default).Partition:slIdentifier, where slIdentifier is a partition that was created explicitly from a block in the model and shown in the Simulink® Schedule Editor (for example, P1)model_stepn, where n uniquely identifies the function generated for one of the model sample periods
Periodic multitasking functionFor blocks in a rate-based model configured for multitasking, output and update code. The code generator produces a function for each sample period. Model configuration parameter Single output/update function is selected (the default).Periodic:slIdentifier, where slIdentifier is an annotation that corresponds to the sample time period for a periodic or continuous rate of a multitasking model (for example, D1)model_stepn, where n uniquely identifies the function generated for one of the model sample periods
Periodic single-tasking functionFor blocks in a rate-based model configured for single-tasking, output and update code. Model configuration parameter Single output/update function is selected (the default).Periodicmodel_step
Reset function

If the model includes a Reset Function block, reset code generated. To reset conditions or state, call the function from the application code.

Reset:slIdentifier, where slIdentifier is the name of the reset function in the modelmodel_reset-function-name
Terminate function

Code for turning off a system. For ERT-based models, you can suppress generation of this function by clearing the model configuration parameter Terminate function required (set by default).


The generated C++ class interface, declared in the model header file, incorporates the function name and argument customizations in the generated entry-point methods:

File: CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition.h

namespace CustomizedNamespace
  class customized_ModelClass {
    // model initialize function- customized name
   void customized_initialize();

    // model step function- customized name & arguments
   void customized_step(customArg1, const* customArg2);

    // model terminate function- customized name
   void customized_terminate();

    // Constructor

    // Destructor


  1. Open the Code Mappings editor. On the C++ Code tab, click Code Interface and select Code Mappings.

  2. Open the Functions pane. In the Code Mappings editor, click the Functions tab. To view a complete list of entry-point functions for your model, click the Update Diagram button.

    View of the CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition model in Simulink. The toolstrip is at the top. The Simulink model is in the middle. The Code Mappings pane is at the bottom. The Functions tab in the Code Mappings pane is selected. The Property Inspector pane is on the right.

  3. Configure method names.

    1. To configure the name of an entry-point method in the generated code, from the Method Name column, click and directly edit the spreadsheet. You can enter a custom name or you can use identifier format parameters to control a dynamically generated name. For more information about identifier format parameters, see Identifier Format Control.

    2. Verify the name in the Method Preview column.

  4. Configure method arguments. For base-rate periodic functions and Simulink Functions, you can configure the name, order, and identifiers of the method arguments.

    To configure the arguments of a base-rate periodic function:

    1. Open the Step Function Interface configuration dialog box. From the Code Mappings editor, on the Functions tab, in the Method Preview column, click the method preview hyperlink of a base-rate periodic function:

      Preview the C++ step function name and arguments in the Configure C++ Step Function dialogue box

    2. In the dialog box, select Configure arguments for Step function prototype and click Get default. This action launches a view of the method arguments.

      View the C++ step function details in the Configure C++ Step Function dialogue box

    3. To change the order of the arguments, click and drag the argument rows in the viewer.

    4. To change the identifier, in the C++ Type Qualifier column, select the appropriate identifier from the drop-down list:

      Identifier OptionPreview
      Value (Inports only)myPeriodicFunction(argInport)
      Const Reference (Inports only)myPeriodicFunction(const & argInport)
      Pointer to ConstmyPeriodicFunction(const * argInport)
      PointermyPeriodicFunction(* argInport)
      Const Pointer to constmyPeriodicFunction(const * const argInport)

    5. To change the name of an argument, in the C++ Identifier Name column, click and directly edit the name. You can enter a custom name or you can use identifier format parameters to control a dynamically generated name. For more information about identifier format parameters, see Identifier Format Control.

      1. If you enter the same name for an inport argument and an outport argument the inport and outport appear as one parameter in the generated method. For example, if you specify an inport as argInport and an outport argument as argOutport, the generated method would be:

        myStepFunction(argInport, argOutport);

        If you specify an inport argument as argIO and an outport argument as argIO, the generated method would be:

    6. To verify the arguments selections, click Validate.

    7. To apply changes and exit the dialog box, click OK.

    To configure the arguments of a Simulink Function:

    1. Open the Simulink Function Interface configuration dialog box. From the Code Mappings editor, on the Functions tab, in the Method Preview column, click the method preview hyperlink of a Simulink Function:

      View the Configure C/C++ Function Interface dialogue box

    2. To change the return argument, select a return argument option from the C/C++ return argument drop-down list.

    3. To change the order of the arguments, click and drag the argument rows in the viewer.

    4. To change the identifier, in the C++ Type Qualifier column, select the identifier from the drop-down list:

      Identifier OptionPreview
      Const ReferencemySimulinkFunction(const & argInport)
      Pointer to ConstmySimulinkFunction(const * argInport)
      PointermySimulinkFunction(* argInport)
      Const Pointer to constmySimulinkFunction(const * const argInport)

    5. To change the name of the argument, in the C++ Identifier name column, click and directly edit the name. You can enter a custom name or you can use identifier format parameters to control a dynamically generated name. For more information about identifier format parameters, see Identifier Format Control.

    6. To verify changes to the Simulink Function arguments, review the Simulink function prototype field to view the expected method prototype.

    7. To apply changes and exit the dialog box, click OK.

Generate C++ Class Interface

Generate the customized C++ class interface by generating code from the model. To verify your C++ class interface configurations, build the model and view the generated class, class member, and class method representations.

  1. Generate code. To generate a C++ class interface, on the C++ Code tab, click Build.

  2. View code. To view the generated code, on the tab click View Code. The generated code appears beside the model in the model workspace.

    View of the CppClassWorkflowKeyIgnition model in Simulink. The toolstrip is at the top. The Simulink model is in the middle. The Code Mappings pane is at the bottom. The Data tab in the Code Mappings pane is selected. The generated code displays in the Property Inspector pane on the right.

  3. Iterate. If the generated interface does not meet code requirements, make configuration adjustments until requirements are satisfied.

If the generated code representation does not meet your requirements, reconfigure the interface and generate code again until code generations requirements are satisfied. For guidance on understanding the generated code, see Analyze Generated Data Code Interface Report.

Considerations and Limitations

  • Instance-Specific Parameter Support — You can use model parameter arguments to configure workspace variables that have been specified as arguments. You can configure these arguments as private members of your class or as individual arguments defined outside the class. To configure within the class, you can set the data visibility to private and configure the generation of the get and set methods. Optionally, you can configure the class member values as defined within the class (in the Property Inspector, set Data Access to Direct) or passed-by-reference through the class constructor (in the Property Inspector, set Data Access to Pointer). The data access setting is supported for top model builds. For reference model builds, the code is generated as references in the model class. To configure instance-specific parameters outside the class, set the data visibility to Individual arguments.

    Instance-specific parameter limitations include:

    • MATLAB® variables marked as model arguments are not able to be configured as private class members.

    • Model parameter arguments are not supported by right-click builds.

  • Interface Code Generation Behavior — The I/O arguments style of step method specification supports single-rate models and multirate single-tasking models. Multirate multitasking models are not supported. Additionally, the C++ encapsulation interface is not the default, the value is ignored for the Pass fixed-size scalar root inputs by value for code generation parameter.

  • Stateflow® considerations — If you have a Stateflow license, for a Stateflow chart that resides in a root model configured to use the I/O arguments step method function specification, and that uses a model root inport value or calls a subsystem that uses a model root inport value, do one of the following to generate code:

    • In the Stateflow chart, clear the Execute (enter) Chart At Initialization check box.

    • Insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block immediately after the root inport. In the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select Exclude this block from 'Block reduction' optimization.

  • Simscape™ Considerations — If a model root inport value connects to a Simscape block, insert a Simulink Signal Conversion block between the root inport and the Simscape conversion block. In the Signal Conversion block parameters dialog box, select Exclude this block from 'Block reduction' optimization.

  • Referenced Model Considerations — When building a referenced model that is configured to generate a C++ class interface:

    • Do not use a C++ class interface in cases when a referenced model cannot have a combined output/update function. Cases include a model that has a continuous sample time or saves states.

    • Do not use virtual buses as inputs or outputs to the referenced model when the referenced model uses the I/O arguments step method. When bus signals cross referenced model boundaries, either use nonvirtual buses or use the Default step method.

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