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Check for obsolete Unit Delay Enabled/Resettable Blocks

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelChecker.runObsoleteDelaysChecks

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelAdvisor.runObsoleteDelaysChecks

Check if the DUT contains obsolete Unit Delay Enabled/Resettable blocks

Available with Simulink® and HDL Coder™.


This check displays a warning if the DUT Subsystem contains any of these blocks:

  • Unit Delay Enabled

  • Unit Delay Resettable

  • Unit Delay Enabled Resettable

These blocks have been obsoleted. The code generator does not recommend usage of these blocks in your Simulink model.

Results and Recommended Actions

To fix this warning, click Modify Settings and the code generator replaces these blocks with the corresponding synchronous counterparts:

These blocks are recommended because they use the State Control block for synchronous simulation behavior and generate hardware-friendly HDL code. For more information, see Synchronous Subsystem Behavior with the State Control Block.

See Also