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Execute cosimulation workflow and generate required artifacts

Since R2022b


    runWorkflow(cosimConfigObj) executes all the steps in the workflow to create a cosimulation block or System object™ and the required scripts as configured in the cosimulationConfiguration object.


    runWorkflow(cosimConfigObj,RestartFromStep=1) executes the workflow steps starting from the specified step.



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    Set simulator, workflow, top level model, and Verilog files, and run the workflow to generate an HDL Cosimulation block with automatically determined configuration values.

    c = cosimulationConfiguration('Xcelium','Simulink','fir_filt')  
    c.HDLFiles = {'./rcosflt_rtl.v','Verilog'};

    Restore a previous workflow saved in './mygoodrun/cosimWizard_mytop.mat'.

    c = cosimulationConfiguration('./mygoodrun/cosimWizard_mytop.mat');

    Restore a previous workflow saved in 'previousRun.mat'.

    Restore workflow from previous run and execute runWorkflow.

    c = cosimulationConfiguration('previousRun.mat');
    -------------------- Step 1------------------
    Select the type of cosimulation you want to do. If the HDL simulator executable
    you want to use is not on the system path in your environment, you must specify
    its location.
    -------------------- Step 2------------------
    Add all VHDL, Verilog, and/or script files to be used in cosimulation to the 
    following table. If the file type cannot be automatically detected or the 
    detection result is incorrect, specify the correct file type in the table. 
    If possible, we will determine the compilation order automatically using HDL 
    simulator provided functionality. Then the HDL files can be added in any order.
    Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
    Error in CosimWizardPkg.FileSelection/EnterStep
    Error in cosimulationConfiguration/l_Step2 (line 809)
    Error in cosimulationConfiguration/runWorkflow (line 473)
                    feval(['l_Step' currStepStr], obj); %wizH, stepH, ddgH, inArgs);

    After encountering an error, specify HDL files, and restart execution from step 1.

    c.ResetPortRegularExpression = 'rst_p';
    runWorkflow(c, 'RestartFromStep', 1);
    -------------------- Step 1------------------
    Select the type of cosimulation you want to do. If the HDL simulator executable
    you want to use is not on the system path in your environment, you must specify
    its location.
    -------------------- Step 2------------------
    Add all VHDL, Verilog, and/or script files to be used in cosimulation to the 
    following table. If the file type cannot be automatically detected or the 
    detection result is incorrect, specify the correct file type in the table. 
    If possible, we will determine the compilation order automatically using HDL 
    simulator provided functionality. Then the HDL files can be added in any order.
    -------------------- Step 3------------------
    HDL Verifier has automatically generated the following HDL compilation commands. 
    You can customize these commands with optional parameters as specified in the HDL 
    simulator documentation but they are sufficient as shown to compile your HDL code 
    for cosimulation. The HDL files will be compiled when you click Next.
    Compiling HDL files. Please wait ...
    ### Compiling HDL design
    Reading pref.tcl 
    # 2021.4 
    # Create design library 
    vlib work 
    # ** Warning: (vlib-34) Library already exists at "work". 
    # Errors: 0, Warnings: 1 
    # Create and open project 
    project new . compile_project 
    # Loading project compile_project 
    project open compile_project 
    # Add source files to project 
    set SRC1 "." 
    # . 
    project addfile "$SRC1/rcosflt_rtl.v" 
    # Calculate compilation order 
    project calculateorder 
    # QuestaSim-64 vlog 2021.4 Compiler 2021.10 Oct 13 2021 
    # Start time: 12:49:55 on Jul 18,2022 
    # vlog -work work -vopt C:/examples/rcosflt_rtl.v  
    # -- Compiling module rcosflt_rtl 
    # Top level modules: 
    # 	rcosflt_rtl 
    # End time: 12:49:55 on Jul 18,2022, Elapsed time: 0:00:00 
    # Errors: 0, Warnings: 0 
    # Compile of rcosflt_rtl.v was successful. 
    # All compile dependencies have been resolved. 
    set compcmd [project compileall -n] 
    # vlog -work work -vopt -stats=none {C:/examples/rcosflt_rtl.v} 
    # Close project 
    project close 
    # reading modelsim.ini 
    # Compile all files and report error 
    if [catch {eval $compcmd}] { 
        exit -code 1 
    # QuestaSim-64 vlog 2021.4 Compiler 2021.10 Oct 13 2021 
    # -- Compiling module rcosflt_rtl 
    # Top level modules: 
    # 	rcosflt_rtl 
    # <EOF> 
    -------------------- Step 4------------------
    Specify the name of the HDL module for cosimulation. The Cosimulation Wizard will 
    launch the HDL simulator, load the specified module, and populate the port list 
    of that HDL module before the next step. Use "Shared Memory" communication 
    method if your firewall policy does not allow  TCP/IP socket communication.
    Elaborating and Loading HDL simulation image. Please wait ...
    Waiting for HDL Simulator to startup ...
    120 seconds to time-out ...
    To stop this process, press Ctrl+C in MATLAB console.
    Waiting for HDL Simulator to startup ...
    119 seconds to time-out ...
    To stop this process, press Ctrl+C in MATLAB console.
    Waiting for HDL Simulator to startup ...
    118 seconds to time-out ...
    To stop this process, press Ctrl+C in MATLAB console.
    Waiting for HDL Simulator to startup ...
    117 seconds to time-out ...
    To stop this process, press Ctrl+C in MATLAB console.
    Waiting for HDL Simulator to startup ...
    116 seconds to time-out ...
    To stop this process, press Ctrl+C in MATLAB console.
    -------------------- Step 5------------------
    Specify all input and output port types. Input signals that are identified a
    s 'Clock' and 'Reset' signals will be forced in the HDL simulator through 
    Tcl commands. You can specify the timing parameters for forced 'Clock' and 
    'Reset' signals in the next step. If you want to drive your HDL clock and 
    reset signals with Simulink signals, mark them as 'Input'.
    -------------------- Step 6------------------
    Set the sample time and data type for each output port. You can specify 
    the sample time as -1, which means that it will be inherited via back 
    propagation in the Simulink model. Back propagation may fail in certain 
    circumstances; click Help for details.
    -------------------- Step 7------------------
    Set clock and reset parameters here. The time in these tables refers to time 
    in the HDL simulator.
    Please wait while generating waveforms.
    -------------------- Step 8------------------
    The diagram below shows the current settings for forced 'Clock' and 'Reset' 
    signals. The red line represents the time in the HDL simulation at which 
    MATLAB/Simulink will start (i.e. cosimulation will start).
    To change the MATLAB/Simulink start time relative to the HDL simulation time, 
    enter the new start time below. To avoid a race condition, make sure the start 
    time does not coincide with the active edge of any clock signal. You can do 
    so by moving the start time or by changing the clock active edge in the 
    previous step (click Back).
    -------------------- Step 9------------------
    When you click Finish, the Cosimulation Wizard performs the following actions:
     - Creates and opens a new Simulink model containing an HDL Cosimulation block 
    configured to your specifications.
     - Generates the scripts to compile your HDL code and launch the HDL simulator 
    according to the choices you made with this assistant.
     - (If you check the box below) Configures the HDL Cosimulation block to assist 
    you in setting the simulation timescale when you cosimulate with the generated 
    block for the first time. If you do not check the box below, the timescale is 
    set to the default of 1 Simulink second = 1 second in the HDL simulator, or 
    you may change it below.
    Generating blocks ... Please wait.

    Input Arguments

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    Cosimulation configuration, specified as a cosimulationConfiguration object.

    Resume execution of the cosimulation workflow from the specified step.

    • 0 — restart workflow from the last step in previous run. If this is the first execution of a workflow, it means that it starts from step one.

    • 1 — restart workflow from the beginning. Use this option when encountering an error, so that the workflow goes through all the steps again.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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