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Associate MATLAB component function with instantiated HDL design



Enter this command in the HDL simulator, not in MATLAB®.

matlabcp instance performs these actions:

  • Starts the HDL simulator client component of the HDL Verifier™ software.

  • Associates a specified instance of an HDL design created in the HDL simulator with a MATLAB function.

  • Creates a process that schedules invocations of the specified MATLAB function.

  • Cancels any pending events scheduled by a previous matlabcp command that specified the same instance. For example, if you issue the command matlabcp for instance foo, matlabcp cancels all previously scheduled events initiated by matlabcp on foo.

    Issue this command in the HDL simulator.

    MATLAB component functions simulate the behavior of modules in an HDL model. A stub module (providing port definitions only) in the HDL model passes its input signals to the MATLAB component function. The MATLAB component processes this data and returns the results to the outputs of the stub module. A MATLAB component typically provides some functionality (such as a filter) that is not yet implemented in the HDL code. For more information about MATLAB component functions, see Create a MATLAB Component Function.


    The communication mode that you specify for matlabcp must match the communication mode you specified for hdldaemon when you established the server connection.

    For socket communications, specify the port number that you selected for hdldaemon when you issue a link request with the matlabcp command in the HDL simulator.


matlabcp instance time-specs adds time specifications for scheduling the specified MATLAB function.


matlabcp instance ___ pair1 ... pairN specifies one or more additional specifications as pairs consisting of a valid specification name and its value. For example, -mfunc vlogmatlabc specifies for the MATLAB function vlogmatlabc to be associated with the specified HDL module. You can specify these pairs with or without time-specs.



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Associate the Verilog® module vlogtestbench_top.u_matlab_component with the MATLAB function vlogmatlabc by using the -mfunc option. The -socket option specifies to use socket communication on port 4449.

hdlsim>matlabcp vlogtestbench_top.u_matlab_component -mfunc vlogmatlabc -socket 4449

Associate the Verilog module vlogtestbench_top with the MATLAB function vlogtestbench_top, specifying explicit times with the -cancel option.

hdlsim>matlabcp vlogtestbench_top 1e6 fs  3 2e3 ps -repeat 3 ns -cancel 7ns

Associate the Verilog module vlogtestbench_top with the MATLAB function vlogtestbench_top, specifying rising and falling edges.

hldsim> matlabcp vlogtestbench_top  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -rising outclk3 
          -falling u_matlab_component/inoutclk

Input Arguments

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Instance of an HDL module that is associated with a MATLAB function, specified as a character vector or string scalar that indicates an HDL module instance. By default, the matlabcp command associates the instance to a MATLAB function that has the same name as the instance. For example, if the instance is myfirfilter, matlabcp associates the instance with the MATLAB function myfirfilter The command ignores hierarchy names. For example, if the instance is top.myfirfilter, the matlabcp command associates only myfirfilter with the MATLAB function. To associate the specified instance with a MATLAB function that differs from the instance name, use the -mfunc specification as in the pair1 ... pairN argument.


If you specify an instance of an HDL module that is already associated with a MATLAB function (via matlabcp or matlabtb) the new association overwrites the existing one.

Data Types: char | string

Space-separated list of one or more time specifications, specified as a space-separated list of one or more time specifications listed in this table.

Time SpecificationDescription
time_1 time_2 ... time_n

Specify one or more discrete times at which the HDL simulator calls the specified MATLAB function. The specified times are relative to the current simulation time. If you do not specify a time, the HDL simulator calls the MATLAB function once at the start of the simulation. Each time_i consists of a number indicating the time value and an optional time unit of:

  • fs (femtoseconds)

  • ps (picoseconds)

  • ns (nanoseconds)

  • us (microseconds)

  • ms (milliseconds)

  • sec (seconds)

If you do not specify a time unit, the command treats the time value as a value of HDL simulation ticks. Separate each time_i by a space.

For example, this code specifies for the MATLAB function vlogmodel_top to execute at time 0 (initial execution) and then at 10 nanoseconds, 10 milliseconds, and 10 seconds.

matlabcp vlogmodel_top 10 ns, 10 ms, 10 sec
-repeat <time>Specify that the HDL simulator calls the MATLAB function repeatedly based on the specified times. The time values are relative to the value of tnow at the time the HDL simulator first calls the MATLAB function.
-cancel <time>

Specify a single time at which the specified MATLAB function stops executing. The time value is relative to the value of tnow at the time the HDL simulator first calls the MATLAB function. If you do not specify a cancel time, the application calls the MATLAB function until you finish the simulation, quit the session, or issue a nomatlabtb call.


The -cancel option works only with the <time-specs> arguments. It does not affect any of the other scheduling arguments for matlabcp.


Place time specifications after the matlabcp instance and before any additional command arguments; otherwise the time specifications are ignored.

Additional specifications, specified as a space-separated list of one or more specification pairs. A specification pair consists of a name and value. This table shows valid name and value options for these pairs.

Specification Pairs

-socketCommunication mode that matches the communication mode issued with the hdldaemon command

Specify for HDL Verifier to use TCP/IP sockets to communicate between the HDL simulator and MATLAB. Shared memory is the default mode of communication and takes effect if you do not specify -socket <tcp_spec>. The communication mode that you specify with the matlabcp command must match the communication mode that you specified with the hdldaemon command.

For more information on choosing TCP/IP socket ports, see TCP/IP Socket Ports.

-risingComma-separated list of one or more signal names

Specify -rising with the path names of one or more signals defined as a logic type (STD_LOGIC, BIT, X01, and so on).This pair indicates that the application calls the specified MATLAB function on the rising edge (transition from '0' to '1') of any of the specified signals.

  • In VHDL®, a transition from 0 or L to 1 or H determines a rising edge.

  • In Verilog, a transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, or from x or z to 1 determines a rising edge.


When specifying signals with the -rising pair, specify the signals in full path name format. If you do not specify a full path name, the command applies the HDL simulator rules to resolve signal specifications.

-fallingComma-separated list of one or more signal names

Specify the path names of one or more signals defined as a logic type (STD_LOGIC, BIT, X01, and so on). Indicates that the application calls the specified MATLAB function whenever any of the specified signals experience a falling edge(a transition from '1' to '0').

For determining signal transition in:

  • In VHDL, a transition from 1 or H to 0 or L determines a falling edge.

  • In Verilog, a transition from 1 to x, z, or 0, or from x or z to 0 determines a falling edge.


When specifying signals with the -falling pair, specify the signals in full path name format. If you do not specify a full path name, the command applies the HDL simulator rules to resolve signal specifications.

-sensitivityComma-separated list of one or more signal names

Specify the path names of one or more signals. This pair indicates that the application calls the specified MATLAB function whenever any of the specified signals change state. Signals of any type can appear in the sensitivity list and can be positioned at any level in the HDL model hierarchy.


When specifying signals with the -sensitivity pair, specify the signals in full path name format. If you do not specify a full path name, the command applies the HDL simulator rules to resolve signal specifications.

-mfuncMATLAB function name

Specify the name of the MATLAB function that is associated with the HDL module instance you specify for instance. By default, the HDL Verifier software calls a MATLAB function that has the same name as the specified HDL instance. If the names are the same, you can omit the -mfunc pair. If the names are not the same, use this argument when you call matlabcp. If you omit this argument and matlabcp does not find a MATLAB function with the same name, the command generates an error message.

-use_instance_objStructure with fields as described in the table in -use_instance_obj Fields

This pair Instructs the function specified with the argument -mfunc to use an HDL instance object passed by HDL Verifier to the function. This value has the fields shown in the applicable table. See Writing Functions Using the HDL Instance Object for examples.

-argumentHDL instance argument

Pass user-defined arguments from the matlabcp command on the HDL side to the MATLAB function callbacks. This pair is supported with -use_instance_obj only. For more details, see the field in the table -use_instance_obj Fields.

-use_instance_obj Fields

FieldRead or Write AccessDescription

Schedule a callback during the set time. This field is equivalent to old tnext. For example, this code schedules a callback 5 nanoseconds from tnow.

hdl_instance_obj.tnext = hdl_instance_obj.tnow + 5e-9
userdataRead or WriteStore state variables of the current matlabcp instance. You can retrieve the variables the next time the callback of this instance is scheduled.

Store the status of the HDL simulator. The HDL Verifier software sets this field to Init during the first callback for this particular instance and to Running thereafter. simstatus is a read-only field.

>> hdl_instance_obj.simstatus


Store the full path of the Verilog or VHDL instance associated with the callback. instance is a read-only field. The value of this field equals that of the module instance specified with the function call. For example:

In the HDL simulator:

hdlsim> matlabcp osc_top -mfunc oscfilter use_instance_obj


>> hdl_instance_obj.instance


Store the argument that is set by the -argument pair. For example:

matlabtb osc_top -mfunc oscfilter -use_instance_obj -argument foo
The link software supports the -argument option only when it is used with the -use_instance_objpair. Otherwise, the command ignores the argument. argument is a read-only property.

>> hdl_instance_obj.argument


Store information about the VHDL and Verilog ports that are associated with this instance. portinfo is a read-only property, which has a field structure that describes the ports defined for the associated HDL module. For each port, the portinfo structure passes information such as the type, direction, and size of the port. For more information on port data, see Gaining Access to and Applying Port Information.



When you use use_instance_obj, you access tscale through the HDL instance object. If you do not use use_instance_obj, you can still access tscale through portinfo.


Store the resolution limit (tick) in seconds of the HDL simulator. tscale is a read-only property.

>> hdl_instance_obj.tscale



When you use use_instance_obj, you access tscale through the HDL instance object. If you do not use use_instance_obj, you can still access tscale through portinfo.


Store the current time. tnow is a read-only property.

hdl_instance_obj.tnext = hld_instance_obj.tnow + fastestrate;
portvaluesRead or Write

Store the current values of and set new values for the output and input ports for a matlabcp instance. For example:

>> hdl_instance_obj.portvalues

ans =
Read Only Input ports:
	clk_enable: []
	clk: []
	reset: []
Read/Write Output ports:
	sine_out: [22x1 char]

Store the status of the callback. HDL Verifier sets this field to 'testbench' if the callback is associated with the matlabtb command and 'component' if the callback is associated with the matlabcp command. linkmode is a read-only property.

>> hdl_instance_obj.linkmode


Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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