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Region and Image Properties

Get information about the objects in an image

Image regions, also called objects, connected components, or blobs, have properties such as area, center of mass, orientation, and bounding box. To calculate these properties (and many more), you can use the Image Region Analyzer app or the regionprops function.

You can also measure pixel values of individual pixels, along a path in an image, or aggregated over an entire image.


Image Region AnalyzerBrowse and filter connected components in image


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regionpropsMeasure properties of image regions
regionprops3Measure properties of 3-D volumetric image regions
bwareaArea of objects in binary image
bwconvhullGenerate convex hull image from binary image
bweulerEuler number of binary image
bwferetMeasure Feret properties
bwperimFind perimeter of objects in binary image
impixelPixel color values
improfilePixel-value cross-sections along line segments
imcontourCreate contour plot of image data
bwdistDistance transform of binary image
bwdistgeodesicGeodesic distance transform of binary image
graydistGray-weighted distance transform of grayscale image
imhistHistogram of image data
mean2Average or mean of matrix elements
std2Standard deviation of matrix elements
corr22-D correlation coefficient
bwconncompFind and count connected components in binary image
bwareaopenRemove small objects from binary image
bwareafiltExtract objects from binary image by size
bwpropfiltExtract objects from binary image using properties
bwselectSelect objects in binary image
bwselect3Select objects in binary volume
bwlabelLabel connected components in 2-D binary image
bwlabelnLabel connected components in binary image
cc2bwConvert connected components to binary image (Since R2024a)
labelmatrixCreate label matrix from objects in connected components
label2rgbConvert label matrix into RGB image
poly2labelCreate label matrix from set of ROIs (Since R2020b)
poly2maskConvert region of interest (ROI) polygon to region mask


Region and Object Properties

Pixel and Path Properties

Image Properties

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