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Get values of Image Processing Toolbox preferences


prefs = iptgetpref returns a structure containing all of the Image Processing Toolbox™ preferences with their current values.

You can also use the Image Processing Toolbox Preferences window to get the preferences. To access the window, on the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences button Preferences. Alternatively, open the Preferences window by calling the iptprefs function.

value = iptgetpref(prefname) returns the value of the Image Processing Toolbox preference specified by prefname.



collapse all

Get the ImshowAxesVisible value.

value = iptgetpref("ImshowAxesVisible")
value =


Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of an Image Processing Toolbox preference, specified as one of these values:

  • "ImshowAxesVisible"

  • "ImshowBorder"

  • "ImshowInitialMagnification"

  • "ImtoolInitialMagnification"

  • "ImtoolStartWithOverview"

  • "VolumeViewerUseHardware"

  • "UseIPPL"

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Values of all Image Processing Toolbox preferences, returned as a structure. Each field in the structure has the name of an Image Processing Toolbox preference.

Data Types: struct

Value of a single Image Processing Toolbox preference, specified by prefname, returned as a character vector, numeric scalar, or logical scalar.

Data Types: char | double | logical


  • You can also use the Image Processing Toolbox Preferences window to get the preferences. To access the window, on the Home tab, in the Environment section, click Preferences button Preferences. Alternatively, open the Preferences window by calling the iptprefs function.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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