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Filter region of interest (ROI) in grayscale image


J = roifilt2(h,I,BW) filters regions of interest (ROIs) in the 2-D grayscale image I using the 2-D linear filter h. The binary mask BW defines the ROIs in I. roifilt2 returns an image that consists of filtered values for pixels in locations where BW contains 1s, and unfiltered values for pixels in locations where BW contains 0s.


J = roifilt2(I,BW,fun) processes the data in ROIs of I using the function fun.


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Read an image into the workspace.

I = imread("eight.tif");

Define the vertices of the mask polygon.

c = [222 272 300 270 221 194];
r = [21 21 75 121 121 75];

Create the binary mask image.

BW = roipoly(I,c,r);

Filter the region of the image I specified by the mask BW.

H = fspecial("unsharp");
J = roifilt2(H,I,BW);

Display the original image and the filtered image.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Linear filter, specified as a 2-D numeric matrix.

Data Types: double

Grayscale image, specified as a 2-D numeric matrix.

  • If you specify a filter, h, then I can be any of the listed data types.

  • If you specify a function handle, fun, then I can be any data type supported by fun.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | logical

Mask, specified as a 2-D logical matrix or a 2-D numeric matrix of the same size as I. For numeric input, any nonzero pixels are considered to be 1 (true).

Function handle, specified as a handle. For more information about function handles, see Create Function Handle.

Output Arguments

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Filtered image, returned as a 2-D matrix.

  • If you specify a filter, h, then J is of the same data type as the input image, I.

  • If you specify a function handle, fun, then the data type of J is determined by fun.


If you specify a filter, h, then roifilt2 calls imfilter to implement the filter.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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