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Read and write blocked point cloud data as single LAS file

Since R2022a


The LAS object is an adapter that reads and writes a point cloud as a single block in a single LAS file.

The table lists the support that the LAS object has for various blockedPointCloud capabilities.

Data types

struct and pointCloud object

Process blocks in parallel using the apply functionNo



adapter = lidar.blocked.LAS creates a LAS object that reads and writes blocked point cloud data as a single block in a single LAS file.


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Preferred file extension, specified as "las" or "laz".

Data Types: char | string

LAS version, specified as "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", or "1.4".

Data Types: string | char

Since R2024b

Scale of the XYZ-coordinates, specified as a three-element real-valued row vector of the form [Xscale Yscale Zscale].

Data Types: double

Since R2024b

Offset of the XYZ-coordinates, specified as a three-element real-valued row vector of the form [Xoffset Yoffset Zoffset].

Data Types: double

Since R2024b

Point data record format ID, specified as 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8. This table shows the supported point data record formats for different LAS or LAZ file versions.

LAS or LAZ VersionSupported Point Data Record Formats
1.0Point data record formats 0 and 1
1.1Point data record formats 0 and 1
1.2Point data record formats 0 to 3
1.3Point data record formats 0 to 3
1.4Point data record formats 0 to 3 and 6 to 8


The point data record format in LAS files ranges from 011. But the LAS object supports 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8 formats only.

For more information, see Point Data Record Format.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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