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Add loop closure to the map

Since R2022b


addLoopClosure(scanMapObj,fromScanID,toScanID,relPose) adds a loop closure between the scans with scan IDs fromScanID and toScanID to the lidarscanmap object, where relPose specifies the relative pose between the scans.


addLoopClosure(scanMapObj,fromScanID,toScanID,relPose,informationMatrix) specifies the information matrix that represents the uncertainty in the relative pose measurement.


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Load a MAT file containing 2-D lidar scans into the workspace.

data = load("wareHouse.mat");
scans = data.wareHouseScans;

Create a lidarscanmap object.

scanMapObj = lidarscanmap;

Add the first 70 scans from the input data to the scanMapObj object by using the addScan function.

for currentID = 1:70

Detect loop closures in the map by using the detectLoopClosure function. The function searches the map for a previous scan matching the most recent scan. For best results, adjust the excluded views and the search radius according to the sensor trajectory.

[~,scanID,~] = detectLoopClosure(scanMapObj,NumExcludeViews=20,SearchRadius=5)
scanID = 

Add the loop closure detected between the scans 70 and 11 to the scanMapObj by using the addLoopClosure function. Display the loop closure connection.

addLoopClosure(scanMapObj,70,11,[2 2 0])
    FromScanID    ToScanID
    __________    ________

        70           11   

Visualize the map and the sensor trajectory.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 71 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Input Arguments

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2-D lidar scan map, specified as a lidarscanmap object.

Scan ID of the scan at the beginning of the loop closure, specified as a positive integer or vector. To add multiple loop closure connections in the map, you must specify the value as a vector.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Scan ID of the scan at the end of the loop closure, specified as a positive integer or vector. To add multiple loop closure connections in the map, you must specify the value as a vector.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Relative pose between the scans in the loop closure, specified as a three-element vector or an M-by-3 matrix. To add more than one loop closure connection, specify the value as a matrix, where M is the number of loop closure connections. Each row of the matrix is of the form [x y Θ], where x and y define the translational offset in meters, and Θ defines the rotational offset between the scans in radians.

Uncertainty in the relative pose measurement, specified as an M-element cell array, where M is the number of loop closure connections. Each cell contains a 3-by-3 positive definite matrix.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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