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Object for storing LOAM feature points

Since R2022a


The LOAMPoints object enables you to store lidar odometry and mapping (LOAM) feature points for registration. Use the detectLOAMFeatures function to detect feature points and store them in a LOAMPoints object. Use the pcregisterloam function to find the transformation between two LOAMPoints objects.



points = LOAMPoints(location,label,laserID) constructs a LOAMPoints object from the specified 3-D point coordinates location. Specify the categorical label label for each point, and an identifier laserID for each point that relates to the laser that detected the point.


Input Arguments

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Point locations, specified by an M-by-3 matrix of [x y z] coordinates, where M is the number of points.

Categorical label of each point, specified as an M-element categorical array, where M is the number of points. Each point can be of category 'sharp-edge', 'less-sharp-edge', 'planar-surface', or 'less-planar-surface'.

Laser identifier, specified as an M-element vector of positive integers, where M is the number of points. Each element is the ID of the laser that detected the corresponding point.


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This property is read-only.

Point locations, specified by an M-by-3 matrix of [x y z] coordinates, where M is the number of points.

This property is read-only.

Categorical label of each point, specified as an M-element categorical array, where M is the number of points. Each point can be of category 'sharp-edge', 'less-sharp-edge', 'planar-surface', or 'less-planar-surface'.

This property is read-only.

Number of points, specified as a positive integer.

Object Functions

downsampleLessPlanarDownsample less planar surface points
transformPointsForwardApply forward geometric transformation to points
showVisualize LOAM feature points


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Load an organized lidar point cloud from a MAT file into the workspace.

ld = load("drivingLidarPoints.mat");
ptCloudOrg = ld.ptCloud;

Detect lidar odometry and mapping (LOAM) feature points.

points = detectLOAMFeatures(ptCloudOrg);

Visualize the LOAM points.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type scatter.


[1] Zhang, Ji, and Sanjiv Singh. “LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-Time.” In Robotics: Science and Systems X. Robotics: Science and Systems Foundation, 2014.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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