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Transport Channels

BCH coding, DL-SCH coding and information

Transport channels serve to transport MAC data in transport blocks with specified characteristics.


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lteBCHBroadcast channel
lteBCHDecodeBroadcast channel decoding
lteDLSCHDownlink shared channel
lteNDLSCHGenerate NB-IoT DL-SCH codeword
lteDLSCHDecodeDownlink shared channel decoding
lteNDLSCHDecodeDecode NB-IoT DL-SCH codeword
lteDLSCHInfoDL-SCH segmentation information


  • Downlink Shared Channel

    Describes the processing of transport blocks (data) to create the downlink shared channel and the physical channel processing to create the physical downlink shared channel.

  • BCH Processing Functions

    Block diagram view of the broadcast channel (BCH) processing and associated functions in the LTE Toolbox™.

  • DL-SCH Processing Functions

    Block diagram view of the downlink shared channel (DL-SCH) processing and associated functions in the LTE Toolbox.

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