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Configure MATLAB Parallel Server Licensing for Cloud Platforms

Before You Begin

This document shows administrators how to set up a license for use with the MATLAB® Parallel Server™ cloud reference architectures. If you are an end user, contact your administrator.

To use the default MATLAB Parallel Server installation provided as part of a MathWorks reference architecture (Azure or AWS), you must be using release R2018a or later. The installation is configured to use online licensing by default. This license manager might differ from your current license configuration. Follow these instructions for setting up your license to use this installation.

If you have questions about any part of this license configuration process, contact MathWorks Cloud Support.

License Configuration Requirements

To set up your license to use MATLAB Parallel Server running in the cloud:

  • You must be an administrator of a MATLAB Parallel Server license. If you do not have a server license, you can request a free trial or contact your MathWorks sales representative. If you are not sure that you are an administrator, or if you are not sure if you are associated with a MATLAB Parallel Server license, sign in to your MathWorks Account. Click the MATLAB Parallel Server license. If you see a “Manage Users” tab, you are an administrator.

  • All licensed end users must be associated with the server license. (Instructions are included in this procedure.)

  • The end user’s MATLAB license must include Parallel Computing Toolbox . The toolbox is required so that jobs can be submitted to the cluster running the server. End users must be using the same release as the cluster.

Select Licensing Configuration Option

From the following scenarios, select a procedure for setting up the license manager with online licensing. Not all procedures are required for all scenarios.

If you have a license setup scenario that is not listed here, Contact Support.

  • You have a license for MATLAB Parallel Server, and

  • The license is already configured for online licensing.

Add End Users to License

You want to get a new on-demand license for MATLAB Parallel Server.

  • You just received a trial or an annual or perpetual license for MATLAB Parallel Server that has not yet been activated, and

  • The license or trial is configured for the network license manager.

  • You have an active annual or perpetual license for MATLAB Parallel Server, and

  • The license is configured for the network license manager, and

  • You are currently actively using that license in a cluster, and

  • You want to use online licensing

  • You have an active annual or perpetual license for MATLAB Parallel Server, and

  • The license is configured for the network license manager, and

  • You are currently actively using that license in a cluster, and

  • You want to use the network license manager running on the cloud.

  • You are currently using the network license manager, and

  • You want to switch to the network license manager running on the cloud.

Select one of the following:

Change License Manager Type

  1. Sign in to your MathWorks Account.

  2. In your MathWorks Account, click the MATLAB Parallel Server license that you plan to use in the cloud.

  3. Go to Install and Activate.

  4. In the text box for License Manager, click the edit icon (a pencil).

  5. Follow the instructions shown and then click Change to Online Licensing.

To see instructions for switching back to the Network License Manager, repeat these steps.

Add End Users to License

For online licensing to know which users have permission to check out a license, you must define a list of allowed users for that license. Allowed users must have a MathWorks Account associated with the on-demand license.

You can associate end users yourself or you can generate emails so that end users can associate themselves. Both actions are performed in License Center.

  1. Sign in to the MathWorks Account that is associated with the license you want to use.

  2. In your MathWorks Account, click on the MATLAB Parallel Server license.

  3. Go to Manage Users.

    • Associate end users manually:

      1. Click Add User.

      2. Add an end user. Repeat this step for as many end users as you need to associate.

    • Invite end users to associate themselves:

    1. Click Invite End Users to Add Themselves.

    2. Enter email addresses in the template.

When you are finished, go to Disable Network License Manager for MATLAB Parallel Server.

Disable Network License Manager for MATLAB Parallel Server

To change your installed network license manager to online licensing, you must shut down the service and either delete the license (if the license manager was only for MATLAB Parallel Server) or modify the license (if license manager is managing other products in addition to the server).

If Network License Manager Manages Only MATLAB Parallel Server Cluster

Disable the network license manager, and delete the license.



  1. Start your current LMtools.exe.

  2. Navigate to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and choose Stop Server.

  3. Navigate to the Config Services tab and choose Remove Service.

  4. Close the current LMtools.exe.


  1. Run lmdown.

  2. Delete the existing network license manager by deleting the entire folder where you previously placed the license manager binaries.

If Network License Manager Manages Multiple Products

Modify the license to remove MATLAB Parallel Server.

  1. Shut down the network license manager.



    In your current LMtools.exe, navigate to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and choose Stop Server.


    Run lmdown.

  2. Open the MathWorks license file for editing:


    The exact name of your license file and its location might vary. If you have trouble finding the license file, see Where are the license files for MATLAB located?

  3. In the license file, locate and remove the entry that begins with the text:

    INCREMENT MATLAB_Distrib_Comp_Engine ...

    The entry might span more than one line in the file. Remove the entire entry and save the file.

  4. Restart the network license manager for the license file change to take effect.

    Network license manager utilities, such as lmstat – can verify that only the proper products are licensed. To use the lmstat function, open Terminal and run the following commands:

    cd $MATLABROOT/etc/glnxa64
    ./lmutil lmstat -a 

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