Sintassi del metodo, attributi e scopo
I metodi sono le operazioni definite da una classe. I metodi possono sovraccaricare le funzioni di MATLAB® per eseguire le operazioni sugli oggetti della classe. MATLAB determina quale metodo o funzione chiamare in base all'argomento dominante. I metodi dei costruttori di classe creano oggetti della classe e devono seguire regole specifiche.
matlab.metadata.Method | Describe MATLAB class method |
Utilizzo del metodo
- Methods in Class Design
Different kinds of methods perform specific tasks in MATLAB classes. - Method Syntax
Define class methods, including attributes and argument validation. - Method Invocation
Invoke class methods using dot or function syntaxes. - Method Access List
Specify a list of classes that can access a class method. - Methods in Separate Files
Define class methods in separate files for convenience and efficiency.
Tipi di metodo
- Method Attributes
Method attributes control the behavior of methods. - Ordinary Methods
Define ordinary methods within the class definition file using method blocks. - Class Constructor Methods
The class constructor is a special method that creates instances of the class. - Static Methods
Static methods do not require an object of the class as an input argument.
Metodi che sovraccaricano le funzioni
- Overload Functions in Class Definitions
By overloading MATLAB functions for your class, objects of the class can support MATLAB operations. - Class Support for Array-Creation Functions
Add support for array-creation functions without overloading these functions in your class. - Objects in Conditional Statements
Enable the use of objects in conditional statements by defining relational operators for the class of the object.