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Determine if input is structure array field


TF = isfield(S,field) returns 1 if field is the name of a field of the structure array S. Otherwise, it returns 0.

If field is an array that contains multiple names and S is a structure array, then TF is a logical array that has the same size.

If S is not a structure array, then isfield returns 0.



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Create a structure.

S.x = linspace(0,2*pi);
S.y = sin(S.x);
S.title = 'y = sin(x)'
S = struct with fields:
        x: [0 0.0635 0.1269 0.1904 0.2539 0.3173 0.3808 0.4443 0.5077 0.5712 0.6347 0.6981 0.7616 0.8251 0.8885 0.9520 1.0155 1.0789 1.1424 1.2059 1.2693 1.3328 1.3963 1.4597 1.5232 1.5867 1.6501 1.7136 1.7771 1.8405 1.9040 1.9675 ... ] (1x100 double)
        y: [0 0.0634 0.1266 0.1893 0.2511 0.3120 0.3717 0.4298 0.4862 0.5406 0.5929 0.6428 0.6901 0.7346 0.7761 0.8146 0.8497 0.8815 0.9096 0.9341 0.9549 0.9718 0.9848 0.9938 0.9989 0.9999 0.9969 0.9898 0.9788 0.9638 0.9450 0.9224 ... ] (1x100 double)
    title: 'y = sin(x)'

Determine if 'title' is the name of a field of S.

TF = isfield(S,'title')
TF = logical

You can test multiple names in one call to the isfield function by specifying them in a cell array or string array.

field = {'x','y','z','title','error'};
TF = isfield(S,field)
TF = 1x5 logical array

   1   1   0   1   0

Input Arguments

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Structure array.

Potential field names, specified as a character vector, cell array of character vectors, or string array.


  • If the input argument S is an object, then isfield always returns 0, even when field is the name of a property.

    To determine if a name is the name of a property of an object, use the isprop function.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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