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  • 3-D pie chart


pie3(X) draws a three-dimensional pie chart using the data in X. Each slice of the pie chart represents an element in X.


pie3(X,explode) specifies which slices to offset from the center of the pie chart.


pie3(X,labels) specifies text labels for the slices. The number of labels must equal the number of elements in X.


pie3(X,explode,labels) offsets slices and specifies the text labels.

pie3(ax,___) plots into the axes specified by ax instead of into the current axes (gca). The argument ax can precede any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.


p = pie3(___) returns a vector of the Patch, Surface, and Text objects that make up the pie chart. Use p to modify properties of the chart after creating it. For a list of properties you can set for these objects, see Patch Properties, Surface Properties, and Text Properties.



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Create a 3-D pie chart of vector X.

X = [1 3 0.5 2.5 2];

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 20 objects of type patch, surface, text.

Create a 3-D pie chart and offset a slice by specifying the corresponding explode element as 1.

X = [1 3 0.5 2.5 2];
explode = [0 1 0 0 0];

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 20 objects of type patch, surface, text.

Create a 3-D pie chart and specify the text labels.

X = 1:3;
labels = ["Taxes" "Expenses" "Profit"];

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 12 objects of type patch, surface, text. These objects represent Taxes, Expenses, Profit.

Create a 3-D pie chart and modify the font style of one of the labels.

First, create a 3-D pie chart with the default font styling. Specify an output argument, p, so that you can use it to customize the pie chart.

X = [1 2 3];
labels = ["Taxes" "Expenses" "Profit"];
p = pie3(X,labels);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 12 objects of type patch, surface, text. These objects represent Taxes, Expenses, Profit.

Each slice in the pie chart has four corresponding elements in p: Patch, Surface, Patch, and Text.

ans = 
  12x1 graphics array:

  Surface    (Taxes)
  Text       (Taxes)
  Surface    (Expenses)
  Text       (Expenses)
  Surface    (Profit)
  Text       (Profit)

Get the Text object for the label Expenses. Change its color and font size by using dot notation to set the associated properties.

t = p(8);
t.Color = "red";
t.FontSize = 14;

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 12 objects of type patch, surface, text. These objects represent Taxes, Expenses, Profit.

Compare two 3-D pie charts by plotting them in the same figure using a tiled chart layout.

Create vectors of financial data for 2010 and 2011 and a set of labels.

y2010 = [50 0 100 95];
y2011 = [65 22 97 120];
labels = ["Investments" "Cash" "Operations" "Sales"];

Create a 2-by-1 tiled chart layout. Create a pie chart for 2010 in the first tile and for 2011 in the second tile. Add a shared legend for the pie charts.

t = tiledlayout(1,2,"TileSpacing","None");
ax1 = nexttile;

ax2 = nexttile;

l = legend(labels);
l.Layout.Tile = "south";

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Hidden axes object 1 with title 2010 contains 16 objects of type patch, surface, text. Hidden axes object 2 with title 2011 contains 16 objects of type patch, surface, text. These objects represent Investments, Cash, Operations, Sales.

Input Arguments

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Input array, specified as a numeric vector or matrix. Each element of X corresponds to a slice of the pie chart. The sum, S, of all the elements in X determines how pie3 displays the chart:

  • If S = 1, then the values in X specify the proportions of the slices.

  • If S < 1, then the values in X specify the proportions of the slices, and pie3 draws a partial pie chart.

  • If S > 1, then pie3 normalizes the size of each slice by S.

Offset slices, specified as a numeric or logical vector or matrix the same size as X. To offset a slice, set the corresponding element to either a nonzero value or true. The value of a nonzero element does not impact the offset.

Example: [0 1 0 0] offsets the second slice.

Text labels for slices, specified as a string array or cell array of character vectors. If you do not specify labels, pie3 automatically displays percentage values.

Target axes, specified as an Axes object. If you do not specify the axes, MATLAB® plots into the current axes or it creates an Axes object if one does not exist.

Output Arguments

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Graphics objects that make up the pie chart, returned as a vector of Patch, Surface, and Text objects.

Each slice in the pie chart consists of four objects that you can use to modify the chart appearance. As a result, the length of the output vector is four times the number of elements in X. Each slice has four corresponding elements in p in this order:

  • Patch object – Bottom layer (not visible in the image)

  • Surface object – Surface between top and bottom layer (orange in the image)

  • Patch object – Top layer (blue in the image)

  • Text object – Text label

3-D pie chart with three slices. One slice is offset. The visible top layer is blue. The surface around the slice is orange. The slice is labeled Expenses.

For more information about the properties you can set for these objects, see Patch Properties, Surface Properties, and Text Properties.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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See Also

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