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Manage MATLAB Production Server Using the Dashboard

After you deploy the MATLAB® Production Server™ reference architecture in Amazon® Web Services, and configure licensing in the cloud, use the MATLAB Production Server dashboard, which is a web-based interface to upload applications, edit server settings, and configure access control for the dashboard and applications.

For information on deploying the reference architecture, see MATLAB Production Server on AWS. For information on setting up your MATLAB Production Server license for using in the cloud, see Configure MATLAB Production Server License for Use on the Cloud.

Connect to Dashboard

Find the URL to connect to the dashboard in the AWS® management console.


The Internet Explorer® web browser is not supported for interacting with the dashboard.

Complete these steps only after you successfully create your stack. If your solution uses private IP addresses, you can connect to the dashboard from a virtual machine (VM) that belongs to the same virtual network as the VM that hosts the dashboard.

  1. In the AWS management console, select the stack that you deployed. You can find the stack under the CloudFormation service.

  2. In the stack detail pane, expand the Outputs section

  3. Look for the key named MATLABProductionServerDashboardURL and click the corresponding URL listed under value. This is the HTTPS endpoint to the MATLAB Production Server cloud dashboard.

Log In to Dashboard

There are three roles for logging in to the dashboard depending on your role in your organization — global admin, manager, or application author.

Log In to Dashboard as Administrator

If you are accessing the dashboard for the first time, or if you have not configured or not enabled dashboard access control, you must log in using the administrator credentials. These are the credentials that you entered during the dashboard login step of the deployment process. An administrator has access to all areas of the dashboard. An administrator can log in to server virtual machines (VMs), configure which users or groups of users can access the dashboard and applications, edit server settings, configure remote persistence services, view logs, and upload and delete applications. You cannot change the administrator credentials.

To grant access to only certain dashboard areas for specific users or groups of users, set up dashboard access control after you log in. For more information, see Dashboard Access Control.

Log In to Dashboard as Manager or Application Author

If the administrator has configured and enabled dashboard access control, you can log in to the dashboard as a manager or application author depending on your role in your organization. The login process supports single sign-on using OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers.

An application author has the privileges to upload and delete applications and view logs. A manager has the privileges to edit server settings, configure access control for applications, and configure remote persistence services, as well as all the privileges of an application author, including for uploading and deleting applications and viewing logs.

The following table shows the dashboard tabs that users with these roles can access.

RoleOverviewApplicationsSettingsPersistenceManage Identity ProvidersApplication Access ControlDashboard Access ControlLogs
Server administrator
Application author     

View Information About Server

To view information about the server instance VMs deployed on Azure®, click Overview on the dashboard navigation menu.

Screen shot of MATLAB Production Server dashboard overview tab

Upload MATLAB Application

You can run an application on MATLAB Production Server that is created using MATLAB Compiler SDK™. Upload and deploy applications using the Applications tab in the dashboard.

  1. Click +Upload.

  2. Click Choose File, select the file, and click Deploy.

For information on how to upload multiple applications, see Upload MATLAB Applications.

For information on how to create an application, see Create Deployable Archive for MATLAB Production Server.

View MATLAB Execution Endpoint

The deployment provides an HTTPS endpoint URL to make requests to the server. The MATLAB Execution Endpoint in the Overview tab in the dashboard specifies the HTTPS endpoint. Use this URL to execute MATLAB functions deployed to the server. For example, if the MATLAB execution endpoint for your server is, to use the MATLAB Production Server RESTful API to execute a MATLAB function mymagic located in a deployed application myapp, use the URL

For information on working with self-signed SSL certificates and managing cookies set by the load balancer, see Execute MATLAB Functions on MATLAB Production Server.

Edit Server Configuration

Edit the MATLAB Production Server configuration properties by selecting the Settings tab in dashboard. After you update the properties, click Save to apply your changes.


The server restarts when you click Save.

Only the administrator and managers have the privilege to edit the server configuration.

Some examples of server configuration properties follow.

  • To allow requests from specific domains, specify parameter values for the CORS Allowed Origins property.

    If you want to specify multiple domains, separate them with a comma, for example,,

  • To set the number of MATLAB Production Server workers, specify a parameter value for the Number of Workers property.

    When setting the Number of Workers property, carefully consider your cluster setup. Each VM in the cluster runs an instance of MATLAB Production Server and each instance runs multiple MATLAB Production Server workers. Using 1 vCPU per MATLAB Production Server worker is recommended. For example, if the server size is set to Standard_D4s_v3 Server, which specifies 4 vCPUs, set the number of workers to no more than 4 workers per instance.

Use Amazon ElastiCache for Redis for Data Persistence

MATLAB Production Server uses Redis™ for data persistence. Persistence allows caching of data between calls to MATLAB code running on the servers. Only the administrator and managers have the privilege to configure remote persistence services.

To view a persistence service that your deployment creates or to create a new remote persistence service, select Persistence in the MATLAB Production Server dashboard navigation pane.

Click +Add to create a new remote persistence service. Specify the following parameter values, then click Create.

Connection Name

Specify a name for the connection to the persistence service. Use this name in MATLAB code to pass data to the cache.

Host and Port

Specify the host name and port number for your Redis cache. The port number has to be a non-SSL port. If you are using Amazon ElastiCache® for Redis, use the following procedure to retrieve the host name and port number.

  1. Log in to your AWS management console and select the stack associated with the deployment. You can access the stack from the CloudFormation service.

  2. In the stack detail pane, expand the Outputs section.

  3. From the Outputs section, copy the value corresponding to the key named MATLABProductionServerCloudStackCacheClusterAddress and paste it in the Host field in the dashboard.

  4. From the Outputs section, copy the value corresponding to the key named MATLABProductionServerCloudStackCacheClusterPort and paste it in the Port field in the dashboard.

You can also use a Redis cache that you create outside of this deployment.

Access Key

Leave this field blank.

For more information on using a data cache, see Data Caching Basics.

Set Up Access Control for Applications Using OAuth 2.0 Providers

MATLAB Production Server integrates with OAuth 2.0 providers such as Microsoft® Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Google® Identity, and PingFederate®, for restricting access to deployed applications to only certain groups of users. Only the administrator and manager can configure access control for applications.

For more information on how to configure application access control using the Application Access Control tab, see Application Access Control.

Set Up Access Control for Dashboard Using OAuth 2.0 Providers

MATLAB Production Server integrates with OAuth 2.0 providers such as Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Google Identity, and PingFederate from Ping Identity®, and uses JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to provide role-based access control for accessing the dashboard. You can grant access to certain dashboard areas for specific users or groups of users based on the user role. Only the administrator can configure dashboard access control. For more information on how to configure dashboard access control using the Dashboard Access Control tab, see Dashboard Access Control.

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