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Create collision cylinder geometry

Since R2019b


Use collisionCylinder to create a cylinder collision geometry centered at the origin.




CYL = collisionCylinder(Radius,Length) creates a cylinder collision geometry with a specified Radius and Length. The cylinder is axis-aligned with its own body-fixed frame. The side of the cylinder lies along the z-axis. The origin of the body-fixed frame is at the center of the cylinder.

CYL = collisionCylinder(___,Pose=pose) sets the Pose property of the cylinder to pose, relative to the world frame.


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Radius of cylinder, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in meters.

Data Types: double

Length of cylinder, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in meters.

Data Types: double

Pose of the collision geometry relative to the world frame, specified as a 4-by-4 homogeneous matrix or an se3 object. You can change the pose after you create the collision geometry.


Note that when the pose is specified as an se3 object, the Pose property stores the pose as a numeric 4-by-4 matrix.

Data Types: single | double

Object Functions

showShow collision geometry
convertToCollisionMeshConvert collision primitive geometry into collision mesh geometry
fitCollisionCapsuleFit collision capsule around collision geometry


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Create a cylinder collision geometry centered at the origin. The cylinder is 4 meters long with a radius of 1 meter.

rad = 1;
len = 4;
cyl = collisionCylinder(rad,len)
cyl = 
  collisionCylinder with properties:

    Radius: 1
    Length: 4
      Pose: [4x4 double]

Visualize the cylinder.


Create a homogeneous transformation that corresponds to a clockwise rotation of π/4 radians about the y-axis. Set the cylinder pose to the new matrix. Show the cylinder.

ang = pi/4;
mat = axang2tform([0 1 0 ang]);
cyl.Pose = mat;

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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