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Draw rectangle in PDE Modeler app


pderect([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) draws a rectangle with the corner coordinates defined by [xmin xmax ymin ymax]. The pderect command opens the PDE Modeler app with the specified rectangle drawn in it. If the app is already open, pderect adds the specified rectangle to the app window without deleting any existing shapes.

pderect updates the state of the geometry description matrix inside the PDE Modeler app to include the rectangle. You can export the geometry description matrix from the PDE Modeler app to the MATLAB® Workspace by selecting DrawExport Geometry Description, Set Formula, Labels.... For details on the format of the geometry description matrix, see decsg.


pderect([xmin xmax ymin ymax], label) assigns a name to the rectangle. Otherwise, pderect uses a default name, such as R1, R2, and so on. For squares, pderect uses the default names SQ1, SQ2, and so on.



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Open the PDE Modeler app window containing a rectangle with the corners at (-1,-0.5), (-1,0.5), (1,0.5), and (1,-0.5).

pderect([-1 1 -0.5 0.5])

Call the pderect command again to draw a square with the corners at (-0.25,-0.25), (-0.25,0.25), (0.25,0.25), and (0.25,-0.25). The pderect command adds the square to the app window without deleting the rectangle.

pderect([-0.25 0.25 -0.25 0.25])

Figure PDE Modeler - [Untitled] contains objects of type uimenu, uigridlayout.

Open the PDE Modeler app window and draw a rectangle with the corners at (-1,-0.5), (-1,0.5), (1,0.5), and (1,-0.5). Assign the name rectangle1 to this rectangle.

pderect([-1 1 -0.5 0.5],"rectangle1")

Figure PDE Modeler - [Untitled] contains objects of type uimenu, uigridlayout.

Input Arguments

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Corner coordinates defining the rectangle, specified as a vector of real numbers.

Example: pderect([-1 0 -1 0])

Data Types: double

Name of the rectangle, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string


  • pderect opens the PDE Modeler app and draws a rectangle. If, instead, you want to draw rectangles in a MATLAB figure, use the rectangle function, for example, rectangle('Position',[1,2,5,6]).

Version History

Introduced before R2006a