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Create RF budget object and compute RF budget results for chain of 2-port elements


Use the rfbudget object to create an RF budget object and compute the RF budget results for a chain of 2-port elements. In this RF chain, you can use a 2-port element such as amplifier, nport, or modulator. You can also open the rfbudget object in an RF Budget Analyzer app and then export the completed circuit to RF Blockset™ for circuit envelope analysis.



rfobj = rfbudget creates an rfbudget object, rfobj, with default empty property values.


rfobj = rfbudget(elements,inputfreq,inputpwr,bandwidth) sets Elements, InputFrequency, AvailableInputPower, and SignalBandwidth properties and computes the RF budget analysis. By default, if any of the input properties are changed, the object recomputes results.


rfobj = rfbudget(___,autoupdate) sets the AutoUpdate property. You can use this syntax with any of the previous syntaxes.

rfobj = rfbudget(Name=value) sets Properties using one or more name-value arguments. You can specify multiple name-value arguments.



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RF budget elements, specified as an RF budget object or an array of RF budget objects. Use an array of RF budget objects when you perform RF budget analysis on an RF chain.

This table lists supported RF budget elements you can use to design an RF chain.

Example: a = amplifier; m = modulator; rfbudget(Elements=[a m]) calculates the RF budget analysis of the amplifier and modulator circuit.

Input frequency of the signal, specified as a nonnegative scalar or column vector (since R2023a) of size M-by-1 in Hz. M represents number of frequencies. If the input frequency is a vector, then the RF budget object analyzes each input frequency separately.

Example: InputFrequency=2e9

Data Types: double

Power applied at the input of the cascade, specified as a scalar in dBm.

Example: AvailableInputPower=-30

Data Types: double

Signal bandwidth at the input of the cascade, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Example: SignalBandwidth=10

Data Types: double

Automatically recompute the RF budget analysis by incorporating changes made to the existing circuit, specified as true or false.

Setting AutoUpdate to false turns off automatic budget recomputation as parameters change. To compute the budget result of an rfbudget object when you set the AutoUpdate property to false, use the computeBudget function.

Example: AutoUpdate=false

Data Types: logical

Computation method, specified as Friis or HarmonicBalance. The Friis solver is faster and the HarmonicBalance solver supports computation of second-order nonlinearities such as OIP2.

When you set the Solver type to HarmonicBalance, the tone and harmonic-dependent properties are displayed.


The HarmonicBalance solver does not support architectures where the input or output frequencies at any stage in the cascade are nonzero and less than SignalBandwidth.

Example: Solver='Friis'

Data Types: string

Since R2024a

Maximum number of harmonics to use for each tone in one- and two-tone harmonic balance (HB) analyses, specified as a positive integer. Use this property for faster HB analysis and set MaxHarmonics to [] to return to the default automatic determination of harmonics.

Example: MaxHarmonics=5


To enable this property, set Solver to HarmonicBalance.

Data Types: double

Since R2024a

Minimum number of harmonics to use for each tone in one- and two-tone harmonic balance (HB) analyses, specified as a positive integer. Use this property to achieve higher-fidelity HB simulation in highly nonlinear systems and set MinHarmonics to [] to return to the default automatic determination of harmonics.

Example: MinHarmonics=5


To enable this property, set Solver to HarmonicBalance.

Data Types: double

Number of harmonics to use for one-tone harmonic balance (HB) analysis, specified as a positive integer. For each two-tone analysis, max(3,HarmonicOrder) harmonics is used. Use the default value for automatic determination of harmonics.

Use this property to

  • Accelerate the HB analysis by reducing the number of harmonics needed for a mildly nonlinear system.

  • Ensure harmonic balance accuracy by increasing the number of harmonics used in a highly nonlinear system.


To enable this property, set Solver to HarmonicBalance.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Output frequencies in Hz, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Output power in dBm, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Transducer power gains in dB, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Noise figures in dB, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.


If AvailableInputPower is very large, it can result in negative NF values during harmonic balance analysis [1].

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Input-referred second-order intercept (IIP2) in dBm, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.


To compute IIP2 values, set Solver to HarmonicBalance.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Output-referred second-order intercept (OIP2) in dBm, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.


To compute OIP2 values, set Solver to HarmonicBalance.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

The Input-referred third-order intercept (IIP3) in dBm, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

The Output-referred third-order intercept (OIP3) in dBm, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in dB, returned as one of the following:

  • Scalar when M and N = 1

  • Vector when M or N = 1

  • Matrix when M and N > 1

where M represents the number of frequencies in the input and N represents the number of stages in the cascade.

Data Types: double

Display a progress bar with a cancel button during harmonic balance analysis, specified as true or false.

Data Types: logical

Object Functions

showDisplay RF budget object in RF Budget Analyzer app
computeBudgetCompute results of RF budget object
computeAMPMTable Compute AM/AM-AM/PM table representation from RF budget object
exportScriptExport MATLAB code that generates RF budget object
exportRFBlocksetExport RF budget object to RF Blockset Model
exportTestbenchExport RF budget object to RF Blockset measurement testbench model
exportTransmitterExport RF budget summary to create phased transmitter
exportReceiverExport RF budget summary to create phased receiver
rfplotPlot cumulative RF budget result vs. cascade input frequency and amplifier power characteristics
smithplotPlot measurement data on a Smith chart
polarPlot specified object parameters on polar coordinates


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Open a default RF budget object.

obj = rfbudget
obj = 
  rfbudget with properties:

               Elements: []
         InputFrequency: [] Hz 
    AvailableInputPower: [] dBm
        SignalBandwidth: [] Hz 
                 Solver: Friis      
             AutoUpdate: true

Create an amplifier with a gain of 4 dB.

a = amplifier(Gain=4);

Create a modulator with an OIP3 of 13 dBm.

m = modulator(OIP3=13);

Create an N-port element using passive.s2p.

n = nport('passive.s2p');

Create an RF element with a gain of 10 dB.

r = rfelement(Gain=10);

Calculate the RF budget of a series of RF elements at an input frequency of 2.1 GHz, an available input power of –30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 10 MHz.

b = rfbudget([a m r n],2.1e9,-30,10e6)
b = 
  rfbudget with properties:

               Elements: [1x4 rf.internal.rfbudget.Element]
         InputFrequency: 2.1 GHz
    AvailableInputPower: -30 dBm
        SignalBandwidth:  10 MHz
                 Solver: Friis      
             AutoUpdate: true

   Analysis Results
        OutputFrequency: (GHz) [  2.1    3.1    3.1     3.1]
            OutputPower: (dBm) [  -26    -26    -16   -20.6]
         TransducerGain: (dB)  [    4      4     14     9.4]
                     NF: (dB)  [    0      0      0  0.1392]
                   IIP2: (dBm) []                           
                   OIP2: (dBm) []                           
                   IIP3: (dBm) [  Inf      9      9       9]
                   OIP3: (dBm) [  Inf     13     23    18.4]
                    SNR: (dB)  [73.98  73.98  73.98   73.84]

Type the show command at the command window to display the analysis in the RF Budget Analyzer app.



Create an RF system.

Create an RF bandpass filter using the Touchstone® file RFBudget_RF.

f1 = nport('RFBudget_RF.s2p','RFBandpassFilter');

Create an amplifier with a gain of 11.53 dB, a noise figure (NF) of 1.53 dB, and an output third-order intercept (OIP3) of 35 dBm.

a1 = amplifier(Name='RFAmplifier',Gain=11.53,NF=1.53,OIP3=35);

Create a demodulator with a gain of –6 dB, a NF of 4 dB, and an OIP3 of 50 dBm.

d = modulator(Name='Demodulator',Gain=-6,NF=4,OIP3=50, ...

Create an IF bandpass filter using the Touchstone file RFBudget_IF.

f2 = nport('RFBudget_IF.s2p','IFBandpassFilter');

Create an amplifier with a gain of 30 dB, a NF of 8 dB, and an OIP3 of 37 dBm.

a2 = amplifier(Name='IFAmplifier',Gain=30,NF=8,OIP3=37);

Calculate the RF budget of the system using an input frequency of 2.1 GHz, an input power of –30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 45 MHz.

b = rfbudget([f1 a1 d f2 a2],2.1e9,-30,45e6)
b = 
  rfbudget with properties:

               Elements: [1x5 rf.internal.rfbudget.Element]
         InputFrequency: 2.1 GHz
    AvailableInputPower: -30 dBm
        SignalBandwidth:  45 MHz
                 Solver: Friis      
             AutoUpdate: true

   Analysis Results
        OutputFrequency: (GHz) [   2.1    2.1   0.07    0.07   0.07]
            OutputPower: (dBm) [-31.53    -20    -26  -27.15  2.847]
         TransducerGain: (dB)  [-1.534  9.996  3.996   2.847  32.85]
                     NF: (dB)  [ 1.533  3.064  3.377   3.611  7.036]
                   IIP2: (dBm) []                                   
                   OIP2: (dBm) []                                   
                   IIP3: (dBm) [   Inf     25  24.97   24.97  4.116]
                   OIP3: (dBm) [   Inf     35  28.97   27.82  36.96]
                    SNR: (dB)  [ 65.91  64.38  64.07   63.83  60.41]

Plot the available output power.


Figure Pout contains an axes object. The axes object with title Output Power Friis Analysis, xlabel Cascade, ylabel Input Frequency (GHz) contains 5 objects of type line. These objects represent 1..1, 1..2, 1..3, 1..4, 1..5.

Plot the transducer gain.


Figure GainT contains an axes object. The axes object with title Transducer Gain Friis Analysis, xlabel Cascade, ylabel Input Frequency (GHz) contains 5 objects of type line. These objects represent 1..1, 1..2, 1..3, 1..4, 1..5.

Plot S-parameters of an RF system on a Smith Chart and a Polar plot.

s = smithplot(b,1,1,'GridType','ZY'); 

Figure s11 contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 6 objects of type line, text. These objects represent 1..1 , 1..2 , 1..3 , 1..4 , 1..5 .

p = polar(b,2,1); 

Figure s21 contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 6 objects of type line, text. These objects represent 1..1 Ⓐ , 1..2 , 1..3 , 1..4 , 1..5 .

Create two modulators with output-referred second-order intercept set to 20 and available power gain set to 3.

m = modulator(Gain=3,OIP2=20,ImageReject=false,ChannelSelect=false);
m2 = modulator(Gain=3,OIP2=20,ImageReject=false,ChannelSelect=false);

Create an RF budget object specifying the input frequency of the signal, power applied at cascade, and signal bandwidth. Select HarmonicBalance as solver method to compute nonlinear effects such as IIP2 and OIP2.

b = rfbudget([m m2],2.1e9,-30,100e6,Solver='HarmonicBalance')
b = 
  rfbudget with properties:

               Elements: [1x2 modulator]
         InputFrequency: 2.1 GHz
    AvailableInputPower: -30 dBm
        SignalBandwidth: 100 MHz
                 Solver: HarmonicBalance
                WaitBar: true
             AutoUpdate: true

   Analysis Results
        OutputFrequency: (GHz) [  3.1    4.1]
            OutputPower: (dBm) [  -27    -24]
         TransducerGain: (dB)  [    3      6]
                     NF: (dB)  [ 3.01  7.783]
                   IIP2: (dBm) [   17  4.457]
                   OIP2: (dBm) [   20  10.46]
                   IIP3: (dBm) [  Inf    Inf]
                   OIP3: (dBm) [  Inf    Inf]
                    SNR: (dB)  [60.96  56.19]

Create an amplifier with a gain of 10 dB.

a = amplifier(Gain=10);

Create a modulator with an OIP3 of 13 dBm.

m = modulator(OIP3=13);

Create an N-port circuit element using passive.s2p.

n = nport('passive.s2p');

Calculate the RF budget of a series of RF elements at an input frequency of 2.1 GHz, an available input power of –30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 10 MHz using HB analysis. Set the number of harmonics that the rfbudget object should use for all the tones in HB analyses.

b = rfbudget([a m n],2.1e9,-30,10e6,...
b = 
  rfbudget with properties:

               Elements: [1x3 rf.internal.rfbudget.Element]
         InputFrequency: 2.1 GHz
    AvailableInputPower: -30 dBm
        SignalBandwidth:  10 MHz
                 Solver: HarmonicBalance
          HarmonicOrder: 3
                WaitBar: true
             AutoUpdate: true

   Analysis Results
        OutputFrequency: (GHz) [       2.1        3.1     3.1]
            OutputPower: (dBm) [       -20        -20   -24.6]
         TransducerGain: (dB)  [        10      9.996   5.396]
                     NF: (dB)  [-2.842e-14  -0.004353  0.3376]
                   IIP2: (dBm) [       Inf        Inf     Inf]
                   OIP2: (dBm) [       Inf        Inf     Inf]
                   IIP3: (dBm) [       Inf      2.997   2.998]
                   OIP3: (dBm) [       Inf      12.99   8.391]
                    SNR: (dB)  [     73.98      73.98   73.64]

Create an RF bandpass filter using the Touchstone® file RFBudget_RF.

f1 = nport('RFBudget_RF.s2p','RFBandpassFilter');

Create an amplifier with a gain of 11.53 dB, a noise figure (NF) of 1.53 dB, and an output third-order intercept (OIP3) of 35 dBm.

a1 = amplifier(Name='RFAmplifier',Gain=11.53,NF=1.53,OIP3=35);

Create a demodulator with a gain of –6 dB, a NF of 4 dB, and an OIP3 of 50 dBm.

d = modulator(Name='Demodulator',Gain=-6,NF=4,OIP3=50, ...

Create an IF bandpass filter using the Touchstone file RFBudget_IF.

f2 = nport('RFBudget_IF.s2p','IFBandpassFilter');

Create an amplifier with a gain of 30 dB, a NF of 8 dB, and an OIP3 of 37 dBm.

a2 = amplifier(Name='IFAmplifier',Gain=30,NF=8,OIP3=37);

Calculate the RF budget of the system using an input frequency of 2.1 GHz, an input power of –30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 45 MHz.

b = rfbudget([f1 a1 d f2 a2],2.1e9,-30,45e6);

Show the analysis in the RF plot.


Figure Sparameters contains an axes object and another object of type uitoolbar. The axes object with title s21 Friis Analysis, xlabel Cascade, ylabel Input Frequency (GHz) contains 5 objects of type line. These objects represent 1..1, 1..2, 1..3, 1..4, 1..5.

Group Delay

To plot the group delay, first plot the S11 data for the RF System.


Figure Sparameters contains an axes object and another object of type uitoolbar. The axes object with title s11 Friis Analysis, xlabel Cascade, ylabel Input Frequency (GHz) contains 5 objects of type line. These objects represent 1..1, 1..2, 1..3, 1..4, 1..5.

Use the Group Delay option on the plot graph to plot the group delay of the RF system.


Phase Delay

Use the Phase Delay option on the plot graph to plot the phase delay of the RF System.



  • The Touchstone file in the nport object must be passive at all specified frequencies. To make N-port S-parameters passive, use the makepassive function.


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ABCD parameters are used in the computation of S-parameters of the cascade for Friis Solver. When S21 = 0, conversion to ABCD results in NaNs. For such cases, modifications to the S-parameters are made as follows:


[1] Roychowdhury, J., D. Long, and P. Feldmann. “Cyclostationary Noise Analysis of Large RF Circuits with Multitone Excitations.” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 33, no. 3 (March 1998): 324–36.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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