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Test Basic Connection and Move the Wrist Joint

After you perform the initial configuration activities as described in Set Up Network Adapter and Basic Network Ping and for Kinova® Gen3, you can test the basic connection with the robot and try to move the wrist joint of the robot.

Create Robot APIs Wrapper

To create a wrapper for MATLAB® APIs for using with the Gen 3 robot:

  1. Import enums and structures.

  2. Create an API instance to connect to the robot

    gen3 = kortex; 

    This creates an object of class kortex with default properties for IP address, user name and password.

  3. Modify the IP address of the robot

    gen3. ip_address= ‘’; 
  4. Modify the user name and password

    gen3. user = ‘admin’; 
    gen3. password = ‘admin’; 
  5. Connect to the robot

    isOk = gen3.CreateRobotApisWrapper; 

    On successful connection, the function returns true.

Display Joint Angles of the Robot

[isOk, baseFeedback, jointsFeedback, interconnectFeedback] = obj.SendRefreshFeedback; 

Move the Wrist Joint of the Robot

You can use the SendJointAngles command to move the robot to a particular position defined by a set of joint angles. Because the Kinova Gen 3 robot has seven actuators, the input to the function is a vector of size 1-by-7. The valid range of joint angle is 0 to 360 degrees.

In the previous step, you read current joint angles from the robot. The following command specifies that the wrist joint of the actuator be moved by 5 degrees.

jointCmd = jointsFeedback.position + [0,0,0,0,0,0,5]; 

Specify constraints for the robot motion (if you specify 0, the default values are used):

constraintType = int32(0); 
speed = 0; 
duration = 0; 

Send high-level command to the robot to move the wrist joint:

isOk = gen3.SendJointAngles(jointCmd, constraintType, speed, duration);

Disconnect from the Robot

isOk = gen3.DestroyRobotApisWrapper; 
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