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Show results of ensemble run using 2-D or 3-D plots


sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names)
sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names, Time)
FH = sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names)
FH = sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names, Time)


simdataObjAn object that contains simulation data. You can generate a simdataObj object using the function sbioensemblerun. All elements of simdataObj must contain data for the same states in the same model.
NamesCharacter vector, string, string vector, string array, or cell array of character vectors. Names may include qualified names such as 'CompartmentName.SpeciesName' or 'ReactionName.ParameterName' to resolve ambiguities. Specifying {} or empty string array (string.empty) for Names plots data for all states contained in simdataObj.
TimeA numeric scalar value. If the specified Time is not an element of the time vectors in simdataObj, then the function resamples simdataObj as necessary using linear interpolation.
FHArray of handles to figure windows.


sbioensembleplot(simdataObj) shows a 3-D shaded plot of time-varying distribution of all logged states in the SimData array simdataObj. The sbioensemblerun function plots an approximate distribution created by fitting a normal distribution to the data at every time step.

sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names) plots the distribution for the data specified by Names.

sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names, Time) plots a 2-D histogram of the actual data of the ensemble distribution of the states specified by Names at the particular time point Time.

FH = sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names) returns an array of handles FH, to the figure window for the 3-D distribution plot.

FH = sbioensembleplot(simdataObj, Names, Time) returns an array of handles FH, to the figure window for the 2-D histograms.


This example shows how to plot data from an ensemble run without interpolation.

Get Statistics from Ensemble Run of SimBiology Model

Load the radiodecay model.


Change the solver of the active configuration set to be ssa. Also, adjust the LogDecimation property on the SolverOptions property of the configuration set.

cs = getconfigset(m1,"active");
cs.SolverType = "ssa";
so = cs.SolverOptions;
so.LogDecimation = 10;

Perform an ensemble of 20 runs with no interpolation.

ensembleData = sbioensemblerun(m1,20);
sbioensembleplot(ensembleData, 'z', 1.0);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Species z (Mean = 395.848, Std. Deviation = 16.4199), xlabel Amount of Species z, ylabel Number of Data Points contains an object of type histogram.

Create a 2-D distribution plot of the species z at time = 1.0.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Species z (Mean = 395.848, Std. Deviation = 16.4199), xlabel Amount of Species z, ylabel Number of Data Points contains an object of type histogram.

Get ensemble statistics for all species using the default interpolation method.

[T,M,V] = sbioensemblestats(ensembleData);

Get ensemble statistics for a specific species using the default interpolation scheme.

[T2,M2,V2] = sbioensemblestats(ensembleData,"z");

Create a 3-D shaded plot of the species x and z.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Time Varying Ensemble Data Plot, xlabel Time, ylabel Species Amount contains 202 objects of type line, patch, text.

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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