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Write tunable parameter information to the model.rtw file


int_T ssWriteRTWParameters(SimStruct *S,  int_T nParams, int_T
  paramType, const char_T *paramName, const char_T *stringInfo,



SimStruct that represents an S-Function block.


Number of tunable parameters.


Type of parameter (see Parameter Type-Specific Arguments).


Name of the parameter.


General information about the parameter, such as how it was derived.


Remaining arguments depend on the parameter type (see Parameter Type-Specific Arguments).


An int_T (1 or 0) or boolean_T (true or false) indicating the success or failure of the function.


Use this function in mdlRTW to write tunable parameter information to this S-function's model.rtw file. Your S-function must write the parameters out in the same order as they are declared at the beginning of the S-function.


This function is provided for compatibility with S-functions that do not use run-time parameters and will be deprecated in future releases. It is suggested that you use run-time parameters (see Create and Update S-Function Run-Time Parameters). If you do use run-time parameters, you do not need to use this function.

Use GENERATE_FORMATTED_VALUE with the SFcnParamSettings structure fields to avoid formatting issues in the emitted code.

Parameter Type-Specific Arguments

This section lists the parameter-specific arguments required by each parameter type.

  • SSWRITE_VALUE_VECT (vector parameter)

    const real_T *valueVectPointer to an array of vector values
    int_T vectLenLength of the vector
  • SSWRITE_VALUE_2DMAT (matrix parameter)

    const real_T *valueMatPointer to an array of matrix elements
    int_T nRowsNumber of rows in the matrix
    int_T nColsNumber of columns in the matrix

    const real_T *valueMatPointer to an array of matrix elements
    int_T nRowsNumber of rows in the matrix
    int_T nColsNumber of columns in the matrix
    int_T dtInfoData type of matrix elements (see Specifying Data Type Info)

    const void *rValueVectReal component of the complex vector
    const void *iValueVectImaginary component of the complex vector
    int_T vectLenLength of the vector
    int_T dtInfoData type of the vector (see Specifying Data Type Info)

    const void *rValueMatX
    const void *iValueMatImaginary component of the complex matrix
    int_T nRowsNumber of rows in the matrix
    int_T nColsNumber of columns in the matrix
    int_T dtInfoData type of matrix

Specifying Data Type Info

You obtain the data type of the value argument passed to the ssWriteRTW macros using

DTINFO(dTypeId, isComplex)

where dTypeId can be any one of the enum values in DTypeID (SS_DOUBLE, SS_SINGLE, SS_INT8, SS_UINT8, SS_INT16, SS_UINT16, SS_INT32, SS_UINT32, SS_BOOLEAN) defined in sl_types_def.h. The isComplex argument is either 0 or 1.

For example, DTINFO(SS_INT32,0) is a noncomplex 32-bit signed integer.

If isComplex==1, the array of values is assumed to have the real and imaginary parts arranged in an interleaved manner (i.e., Simulink® format). If you prefer to pass the real and imaginary parts as two separate arrays, you should use the macro ssWriteRTWMxVectParam or ssWriteRTWMx2dMatParam.


C, C++

See Also


Version History

Introduced before R2006a