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Event Listener

Event port for Initialize Function, Reinitialize Function, Reset Function, and Terminate Function blocks

  • Event Listener block


The Event Listener block serves as an event port for the Initialize Function, Reinitialize Function, Reset Function, and Terminate Function blocks.



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Select event type for subsystem to execute initialize, reinitialize, reset, or terminate algorithms.


Select to trigger the execution of an Initialize Function block with an initialize event.


Select to trigger the execution of an Reinitialize Function block with an reinitialize event.


Select to trigger the execution of a Reset Function block with a reset event.


Select to trigger the execution of a Terminate Function block with a terminate event.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: EventType
Type: character vector
Value: 'Initialize' | 'Reinitialize' | 'Reset' | 'Terminate'
Default: 'Initialize'

Specify event name for Reinitialize Function or Reset Function block. Simulink® displays the name on the face of the Reinitialize Function or Reset Function block. The event name is also the name of the reinitialize event port on the Model or Subsystem block containing the Reinitialize Function block or the name of the reset event port on the Model block containing the Reset Function block.


Default event name when Event type is set to Reinitialize.


Default event name when Event type is set to Reset.

When entering the Event name, the auto-completion list provides some suggestions. The list is not complete.

The Event name must be a valid MATLAB® variable name.


To enable this parameter, set the Event type parameter to Reinitialize or Reset.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: EventName
Type: character vector
Value: 'reinit' | 'reset' | '<event name>'
Default: 'reinit' or 'reset'

Control activating the variant control (condition) defined with the Variant control parameter.


Deactivate variant control of subsystem.


Activate variant control of subsystem.

When you select Enable variant condition, a badge indicates the change:

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: Variant
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'


  • A reinitialize event port of a Model or Subsystem block can be conditional and propagates the net variant conditions defined on the corresponding Reinitialize Function block in the referenced model or subsystem.

  • A reset event port of a Model block can be conditional and propagates the net variant conditions defined on the corresponding Reset Function block in the referenced model.

  • Initialize and terminate event ports are always unconditional because they control both the model default and block-specific initialize and terminate events of the referenced model. If you define an Initialize Function block in the referenced model, it corresponds to an explicit initialize event.

Specify variant control (condition) expression that executes a variant Initialize Function, Reinitialize Function, Reset Function, or Terminate Function block when the expression evaluates to true.


Default name for a logical (Boolean) expression.

logical expression

A logical (Boolean) expression or a Simulink.VariantExpression object representing a Boolean expression.

If you want to generate code for your model, define the variables in the expression as Simulink.Parameter objects.


To enable this parameter, select the Enable variant condition parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: VariantControl
Type: character vector
Value: 'Variant' | '<logical expression>'
Default: 'Variant'

Select if variant choices are enclosed within C preprocessor conditional statements.


Do not enclose variant choices within C preprocessor conditional statements.


When generating code for an ERT target, enclose variant choices within C preprocessor conditional statements (#if).


To enable this parameter, select the Enable variant condition parameter.

When you select Generate preprocessor conditionals, a badge indicates the change:

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: GeneratePreprocessorConditionals
Type: character vector
Value: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'
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