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For Each

Control block for for-each subsystem

  • For Each block


The For Each block serves as a control block for the For Each Subsystem block. Specifically, the For Each block enables the blocks inside the for-each subsystem to process the elements of either input signals or mask parameters independently. Each block inside this subsystem that has states maintains a separate set of states for each element or subarray that it processes. As the set of blocks in the subsystem processes the elements or subarrays, the subsystem concatenates the results to form output signals.

For Each Subsystem block icon, displayed alongside contents of for-each subsystem

Use a for-each subsystem to iteratively compute outputs after changing inputs or mask parameters. To do so, configure the partitioning of input signals or mask parameters in the For Each block dialog box.

Partition Input Signals to the Subsystem

To specify which input signals to partition for each iteration in a for-each subsystem, use the Input Partition tab in the dialog box of the For Each block. When specifying a signal to be partitioned, specify the Partition Dimension, Partition Width, and Partition Offset parameters.

Partition Mask Parameters of the Subsystem

You can partition the mask parameters of a For Each Subsystem block. Partitioning is useful for systems that have identical structures in each iteration but different parameter values. In this case, changing the model to partition extra input signals for each parameter is cumbersome. Instead, add a mask parameter to a for-each subsystem. For more information, see Create a Simple Mask. To select the mask parameter for partitioning, use the Parameter Partition tab of the For Each block dialog box. For more information, see Select Partition Parameters, below.

Concatenate Output

Define the dimension along which to concatenate the results by specifying the Concatenation Dimension in the Output Concatenation tab.

The results generated by the block for each subarray are stacked along the concatenation dimension. By default, dimension 1 (y-axis) is used, meaning that the results are stacked vertically. However, if you specify a concatenation dimension of 2, the results concatenate along the horizontal direction (x-axis). Thus, if the process generates row vectors, then the concatenated result is a matrix in the first case and a row vector in the second case.

Select Partition Parameters

When selecting an input signal or subsystem mask parameter for partitioning, you need to specify how to decompose it into elements or subarrays for each iteration. Do this by setting integer values for the Partition Dimension, Partition Width, and Partition Offset parameters.

As an illustration, consider an input signal matrix A of the form:

3-by-3 matrix A with all 9 elements displayed, showing d1 as the vertical dimension and d2 as the horizontal dimension

The labels d1 and d2, respectively, define dimensions 1 and 2. If you retain the default setting of 1 for both the partition dimension and the partition width, and 0 for the partition offset, then Simulink® slices perpendicular to partition dimension 1 at a width equal to the partition width, that is one element:

3-by-3 matrix A, with all 9 elements showing, partitioned into rows

Matrix A decomposes into these three row vectors:

3-by-3 matrix A, decomposed into 3 3-element row vectors

If instead you specify 2 as the partition dimension, Simulink slices perpendicular to dimension 2 to form three column vectors:

3-by-3 matrix A, decomposed into 3 3-element column vectors

In addition to setting the Partition Dimension to 2, if you set the Partition Width to 2 and the Partition Offset to -1, Simulink uses two overlapping 3-by-2 partitions for processing.

3-by-3 matrix A, decomposed into 2 overlapping 3-by-2 matrices

By default, all partitions of the input signal or mask parameter are processed. To process a subset of the partitions, enter the number of partitions to process as the Number of iterations. In the matrix examples above, if Partition Offset is set to 0 (the default) and Number of iterations is set to 2, only the first 2 rows or columns of the input matrix A are processed.


Only signals are considered one-dimensional in Simulink. Mask parameters are row or column vectors, according to their orientation. To partition a row vector, specify the partition dimension as 2 (along the columns). To partition a column vector, specify the partition dimension as 1 (along the rows).




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Index of current partition (starting at zero), returned as a scalar.


To enable this port, select Show partition index output port.

Data Types: int32 | double


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Input Partition Tab

Select each input signal you want to partition and specify the corresponding Partition Dimension, Partition Width, and Partition offset parameters. For more information, see Inport.

This parameter is read-only.

List of input ports connected to the For Each Subsystem block.

Select input port signals connected to the For Each Subsystem block to partition into subarrays or elements. For each port listed in the Port column, select the corresponding check box to partition that signal.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputPartition
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Specify the dimension through which to slice the selected input signal array. The resulting slices are perpendicular to the dimension that you specify. The slices partition the array into subarrays or elements, as appropriate.


Slice input array along the columns.


Slice input array along the rows.


Slice input array along dimension n.


To enable this parameter, select Partition for the relevant input port.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputPartitionDimension
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'1'} | {'2'} | positive integer
Default: {'1'}

Specify the width of each partition slice of the selected input signal.


To enable this parameter, select Partition for the relevant input port.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputPartitionWidth
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'1'} | integer
Default: {'1'}

Specify the offset for each partition slice of the selected input signal.


No offset between partition slices, that is, partition slices have no gaps between them and do not overlap.


Specify partition offset, using a positive integer to specify a gap between slices or a negative integer to indicate an overlap. The sum of the Partition Width and the Partition Offset must be a positive integer.

For example, a Partition Width of 3 and a Partition Offset of -2 indicates that each 3-element slice overlaps its neighboring slices by 2 elements; whereas a Partition Width of 2 and a Partition Offset of 1 indicates that there is a 1-element-wide gap between each pair of neighboring 2-element-wide slices.


To enable this parameter, select Partition for the relevant input port.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputPartitionOffset
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'0'} | integer
Default: {'0'}

Parameter Partition Tab

Select each mask parameter you want to partition and specify the corresponding Partition Dimension and Partition Width parameters.

This parameter is read-only.

List of mask parameters for the For Each Subsystem block.


Mask parameters appear in the list only if you have added an editable parameter to the mask of the For Each Subsystem block. See Author Block Masks.

Select mask parameters for the For Each Subsystem block to partition into subarrays or elements. For each port listed in the Parameter column, select the corresponding check box to partition that mask parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SubsysMaskParameterPartition
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Specify the dimension through which to slice the selected mask parameter array. The resulting slices are perpendicular to the dimension that you specify. The slices partition the array into subarrays or elements, as appropriate.


Slice mask parameter array along the columns.


Slice mask parameter array along the rows.


Slice mask parameter array along dimension n.


To enable this parameter, select Partition for the relevant mask parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SubsysMaskParameterPartitionDimension
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'1'} | integer
Default: {'1'}

Specify the width of each partition slice of the selected mask parameter array.


To enable this parameter, select Partition for the relevant mask parameter.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SubsysMaskParameterPartitionWidth
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'1'} | positive integer
Default: {'1'}

Output Concatenation Tab

For each output port, specify the dimension along which to stack (concatenate) the For Each Subsystem block results. For more information, see Outport.

This parameter is read-only.

List of output ports connected to the For Each Subsystem block.

For each output port, specify the dimension along which to stack the results of the For Each Subsystem block.


Stack the results in the d1 direction, that is, vertically. If the block generates column vectors, the concatenation process results in a single column vector. If the block generates row vectors, the concatenation process results in a matrix.


Stack the results in the d2 direction, that is, horizontally. If the block generates row vectors, the concatenation process results in a single row vector. If the block generates row vectors, the concatenation process results in a matrix.


Stack the results in the dn direction.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: OutputConcatenationDimension
Type: cell array of character vectors
Values: {'1'} | integer
Default: {'1'}

Other Parameters

Control display of output port for partition index.


Hide output port.


Display output port on block.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: ShowIterationIndex
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Specify partition index data type for output port.


Select signed 32-bit integer.


Select double real.


To enable this parameter, select Show partition index output port.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: IterationIndexDataType
Type: character vector
Values: 'int32' | 'double'
Default: 'int32'

To process a subset of data, specify the number of partition slices of the input signal or mask parameter array to process, else specify -1 to process all slices. The number must not be greater than the total number of slices available.


Process all slices


Number of slices to process

For example, a Number of iterations of 3 indicates that only the first 3 slices are to be processed.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SpecifiedNumIters
Type: character vector
Values: '-1' | integer in quotes
Default: '-1'

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2010a

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