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Class: Simulink.VariantConfigurationData
Namespace: Simulink

(To be removed) Get the variant configuration data object associated with a model

getFor will be removed in a future release. Use Simulink.VariantManager.getConfigurationData instead.


vardatObj = Simulink.VariantConfigurationData.getFor(modelName) returns the variant configuration data object for a model. If no object is associated with the model, then [] is returned.

Input Arguments

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Model name specified as character vector.

Example: "slexVariantManagement"

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

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Variant configuration data object associated with the model, returned as object of Simulink.VariantConfigurationData class.

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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R2022b: getFor will be removed

The getFor will be removed in a future release. To find the variant configuration data object associated with a model, use the Simulink.VariantManager.getConfigurationData method. Scripts which use this method continue to work with a warning.

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