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MATLAB function report

Since R2021a


    Use MATLABFunctionReport objects to access information about the functions and variables used by MATLAB Function blocks.


    To create a MATLABFunctionReport object for a MATLAB Function block, call the getReport function on the MATLABFunctionConfiguration object for the block. For example, if the model myModel contains a MATLAB Function block called MATLAB Function, enter:

    config = get_param("myModel/MATLAB Function", ...
    report = getReport(config);


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    This property is read-only.

    Functions in the MATLAB Function block, specified as an array of coder.Function objects. The array contains one coder.Function object for each function in the block. Use these objects to access information such as the name, scope, and type of the variables used by each function. For more information, see coder.Function Properties (MATLAB Coder).

    Data Types: coder.Function


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    Access the MATLABFunctionConfiguration object for the MATLAB Function block in the model call_stats_block2 described in Implement MATLAB Functions in Simulink with MATLAB Function Blocks.

    config = get_param("call_stats_block2/MATLAB Function", ...

    Create the MATLABFunctionReport object for the MATLAB Function block.

    report = getReport(config);

    Access the coder.Function objects in the report.

    functions = report.Functions;

    Create a custom report that lists the functions and variables in the MATLAB Function block.

    for i = 1:numel(functions)
        fprintf("Function %s uses these variables:\n",functions(i).Name)
        variables = functions(i).Variables;
        for j = 1:numel(variables)
            fprintf("%d. %s -- %s\n",j,variables(j).Name,variables(j).Scope)
    Function stats uses these variables:
    1. mean -- Output
    2. stdev -- Output
    3. vals -- Input
    4. len -- Local
    Function avg uses these variables:
    1. mean -- Output
    2. array -- Input
    3. size -- Input


    The first time that you create a MATLABFunctionReport object or open the MATLAB® function report, Simulink® automatically updates your model. If you make subsequent changes to the MATLAB code in the block, you must update your model before you generate a new MATLABFunctionReport object. Otherwise, the object does not reflect your changes. From the Modeling tab, select Update Model, or use the Ctrl+D keyboard shortcut. If you are in the MATLAB Function Block Editor, update the model by using the Ctrl+Shift+D keyboard shortcut instead.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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