Controllo della sorgente nei progetti
Configurare il controllo della sorgente, recuperare i file, rivedere le modifiche, coinvolgere i file modificati
I progetti costituiscono un supporto per l’organizzazione di progetti di modellazione di grandi dimensioni, grazie al reperimento dei file necessari, alla gestione e condivisione dei file e delle impostazioni, nonché l’interazione con il controllo della sorgente. Guardare Using Projects to Collaborate, Track, and Merge Changes and Perform Code Reviews (4 min, 50 sec) (Utilizzare i progetti per collaborare, tracciare e unire le modifiche ed eseguire revisioni di codice) e vedere What Are Projects? e About Source Control with Projects.
Impostazione del controllo della sorgente
- About Source Control with Projects
What source control tools and workflows can I use in a project? Try built-in Git™ or SVN, or integrate third-party tools. - Add a Project to Source Control
Add Git or SVN source control to your project. - Register Model Files with Source Control Tools
Register model files as binary. - Set Up Git Source Control
Set up Git source control for use in MATLAB®, including registering your binary files to avoid file corruption and setting up SSH Authentication to prevent frequent login prompts. - Automatically Merge Models
Enable MATLAB Git integration to automatically merge model files. - Create New GitHub Repository
Create an empty remote GitHub® repository. - Share Project on GitHub
To share your project, make your project publicly available on GitHub. - Add Git Submodules
Clone an external Git repository as a submodule. - Set Up SVN Source Control
Configure SVN, register model files, lock files, share repositories, and manage SVN externals. - Disable Source Control
Disable source control to prepare a project template. - Change Source Control
Archive a project and create a new one with a different source control. - Write a Source Control Integration with the SDK
Use the Software Development Kit (SDK) to integrate projects with third-party source control tools. - Set Source Control Preferences
Disable a source control system and set Git preferences in MATLAB Online™. - Continuous Integration Using MATLAB Projects and Jenkins
Set up your project for CI in Jenkins® and reduce test suite runtime using dependency cache. - Customize External Source Control to Use MATLAB for Diff and Merge
Use the MATLAB Comparison Tool for diff and merge from external source control tools.
Recupero e checkout
- Clone Git Repository
Retrieve a working copy of a project from Git source control. - Check Out SVN Repository
Retrieve a working copy of a project from SVN source control. - Tag and Retrieve Versions of Project Files
With SVN, tag specific revisions of a project. - Refresh Status of Project Files
Check for locally modified project files. - Check for Modifications
Find out if the repository version has moved ahead. - Update Revisions of Project Files
Update revisions with Git or SVN. - Get SVN File Locks
With SVN, ensure users get locks on model files before editing.
Revisione delle modifiche e coinvolgimento dei file modificati
- View Modified Files
Examine changes in the project. - Compare Revisions
Review changes in modified files by comparing with ancestors, or compare particular revisions. - Run Project Checks
Check projects for problems such as unsaved changes, files not under source control, or derived files out-of-date. - Commit Modified Files to Source Control
Commit a change set to the local Git repository or SVN repository. - Revert Changes
Discard local changes or choose a revision for a file or the whole project. - Pull, Push, and Fetch Files with Git
Git workflow for fetching, merging and pushing changes to the remote repository. - Branch and Merge Files with Git
Create, switch, merge, revert, and delete branches. - Resolve Conflicts
Locate and resolve conflicts; merge text files and merge models; extract conflict markers. - Determine Order for Resolving Conflicts Using Dependency Analyzer
Use the Dependency Analyzer to determine the resolve merge conflicts order in a project. - Work with Derived Files in Projects
Best practices for derived files, such as.mex