Control Scope Blocks Programmatically
This example shows how to control scopes with programming scripts.
Use Simulink Configuration Object
Use a Scope Configuration object for programmatic access to scope parameters.
Modify the title, axis labels, and axis limits
Turn on or off the legend or grid
Control the number of inputs
Change the number of displays and which display is active
Create a model and add a Scope and Time Scope block. Then, use get_param
to create the Scope Configuration object myConfiguration
mdl = 'myModel'; new_system(mdl); add_block('simulink/Sinks/Scope', [mdl '/myScope']); add_block('dspsnks4/Time Scope', [mdl '/myTimeScope']); myConfiguration = get_param([mdl '/myScope'],'ScopeConfiguration')
myConfiguration = Scope configuration with properties: Name: 'myScope' Position: [360 302 560 420] Visible: 0 OpenAtSimulationStart: 0 DisplayFullPath: 0 PreserveColorsForCopyToClipboard: 0 NumInputPorts: '1' LayoutDimensions: [1 1] SampleTime: '-1' FrameBasedProcessing: 0 MaximizeAxes: 'Off' MinimizeControls: 0 AxesScaling: 'Manual' AxesScalingNumUpdates: '10' TimeSpan: 'Auto' TimeSpanOverrunAction: 'Wrap' TimeUnits: 'none' TimeDisplayOffset: '0' TimeAxisLabels: 'Bottom' ShowTimeAxisLabel: 0 ActiveDisplay: 1 Title: '%<SignalLabel>' ShowLegend: 0 ShowGrid: 1 PlotAsMagnitudePhase: 0 YLimits: [-10 10] YLabel: '' DataLogging: 0 DataLoggingVariableName: 'ScopeData' DataLoggingLimitDataPoints: 0 DataLoggingMaxPoints: '5000' DataLoggingDecimateData: 0 DataLoggingDecimation: '2' DataLoggingSaveFormat: 'Dataset'
Set a property.
myConfiguration.DataLoggingMaxPoints ='10000';
Find the Scope and Time Scope blocks.
find_system(mdl,'LookUnderMasks','on','IncludeCommented','on', ... 'AllBlocks','on','BlockType','Scope')
ans = 2x1 cell
{'myModel/myScope' }
Find only Simulink Scope blocks.
find_system(mdl,'LookUnderMasks','on','IncludeCommented','on',... 'AllBlocks','on','BlockType','Scope','DefaultConfigurationName',... 'Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg')
ans = 1x1 cell array
Find only the DSP Time Scope blocks.
find_system(mdl,'LookUnderMasks','on','IncludeCommented','on',... 'AllBlocks','on','BlockType','Scope','DefaultConfigurationName',... 'spbscopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg')
ans = 1x1 cell array
Scope Configuration Properties
For details about the Scope Configuration object properties, see TimeScopeConfiguration
See Also
Floating Scope | Scope | Scope Viewer